Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

The family had enough to eat and drink, and went for a walk outside before heading home.

When he was about to walk to the front of his house, he found a strange luxury car parked in front of his house. After seeing the person standing beside the car, Lu's father and Lu's mother glanced at each other, and Lu Xiaogong had already greeted him.

Seeing this, the three of them subconsciously slowed down.

"Ping An, why are you here? Are you done?"

Lu Xiaogong was a little surprised. Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Bai Wanming since returning to S City, and he didn't know how busy Bai Wanming was.

But they did talk on the phone every night, although it didn't take long.

Bai Wanming first sized up Lu Xiaogong, seeing that he was fine and there was nothing wrong with him, so he was relieved.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed Lu Xiaogong's palm, clasped his fingers tightly, and then replied, "Well, I'm done with work, I'll take you home." For more than half a month, there was no youth in the villa

. Not to mention how deserted it is.

No, after finishing his work, he rushed over here immediately, he wanted to be young.

In just half a month, many things happened. The Li family declared bankruptcy, and Li Hongkuang, the main messenger who kidnapped the young people, was imprisoned and sentenced to 20 years.

At first, the Li family wanted to get Li Hongkuang out, but because of his intervention, the Li family's plan to get Li Hongkuang out was ruined.

Soon, because of his counterattack against Li Shi, Li Shi was too busy to take care of himself, and no longer had the energy to manage Li Hongkuang in the police station.

Coupled with sufficient evidence, Li Hongkuang's verdict came down quickly.

The kidnappers who kidnapped Lu Xiaogong didn't end well either, several of them were burdened with murder cases and had been on the run all these years. This time, they were caught with great difficulty. Among them, those who had a murder case were sentenced to death, and those who did not have a murder case were sentenced to at least 20 years.

The Li family went bankrupt, and the man at the helm of the Li family wanted to take the money and flee abroad with his family, but he was trapped in the country.

Hurt his youth, just want to leave like this? Make a comeback in the future?

It's too good to think.

Now that the dust has settled, he can finally come to pick up his young man and go home.

"Take me home?" Lu Xiaogong was puzzled.

"Yes, take you home and come back with me, okay?" Bai Wanming smiled softly, and the iceberg melted immediately.

Lu Xiaogong was dazzled by the beauty in front of him, and subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Bai Wanming smiled even more gently. He patted the young man's head, "So good."

Lu's father, mother, and Lu Lin stayed not far away to look at them.

Lu's mother's face was a bit stinky, her youngest son finally stayed at home for half a month, and this big bad wolf came to snatch her son again.

Lu Xiaogong pulled Bai Wanming to the front of the three of them, and introduced them, "Dad, Mom, and brother, let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend.

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