Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

"Dongmei, Jing'er still hasn't come?"

Shu Yufu sat on the kang covered with animal furs, looking at the door expectantly, not seeing the person she wanted to see for a long time, she urged anxiously.

"Ma'am, the young master said that he won't be here today, that something happened to the master."

"Is that so?" Shu Yufu looked disappointed, and the wrinkles on his face deepened.

Twenty years later, Jing'er has grown up, and she is also old. Half of her gray hair when she was young is now Chinese hair, and her face is covered with wrinkles.

She has lived in this small secondary courtyard for twenty years, during these twenty years, only a few maids brought out from the villa and people Ming Yi arranged to protect them accompanied her.

The maids and the guards saw each other right, begged her for grace, and got married.

But even so, they still stayed here to serve her.

Looking back on my life, it is sad and deplorable, even more ridiculous.

Shu Yufu was born in the Shu family, a scholarly family. She is the second daughter. She has an older sister and two younger brothers.

As members of the Shu family, everyone must read and write, regardless of gender.

Shu Yufu's aptitude is not as good as her elder sister's, let alone her younger brother's.

In addition, he has a quiet temperament and will not please his parents, so he is often ignored at home.

She grew up to sixteen in this way, and her fate turned a corner when she was sixteen.

When she was sixteen, she went out to offer incense with her mother and elder sister, but she encountered danger in the mountains.

A gentle and polite man with strong martial arts rescued them. Shu Yufu fell in love with this man at first sight, and this man seemed to have a crush on her too.

From then on, Shu Yufu knew what a girl Huaichun was.

Her heart and eyes were all about the man who saved her. The eldest sister and mother seemed to know what was on her mind, but they didn't point it out.

Not long after, that man came to propose marriage, and she knew his name, Su Mingjing.

And his identity, the eldest son of the Su family in Jianghu.

Shu Yufu's father looked down on these brash men, but because they saved his wife and a pair of daughters.

In addition, the object of the marriage proposal was her second daughter who was not valued, so in order to repay her kindness, she agreed to this marriage.

When she was eighteen years old, she married Su Mingjing. After she married, her husband loved her dearly, her parents-in-law were kind, and her brother-in-law respected her. She lived a very good life, at least better than when she was in the Shu family.

Even though she had nothing to show for three years after her marriage, her husband and in-laws never said anything.

But the happy days are always short-lived, and maybe the gods can't understand her happy appearance. When she was twenty-one, the Su family was destroyed.

Her husband tried his best to protect her and let her escape, but he and his kind parents-in-law died in that catastrophe.

Shu Yufu fled and fled all the way, escaped from the range of the Su family, probably because she was not a member of the Jianghu, and seldom went out after marriage, few people came to chase her, even if they came, they were better than ordinary people My little one.

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