Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

The next day, Lu Xiaogong woke up very early.

Following the usual habit of the original owner, after washing up under the service of the maid, she sat silently on the table in the hall outside.

Meals were already set on the table, Shu Yufu got up earlier than him, and was sitting opposite him at the moment.

Lu Xiaogong didn't sleep very well last night.

After all, wearing such a thick wedding dress, it is only a ghost if you sleep well.

And Shu Yufu, who was opposite him, looked haggard, with black and blue under his eyes, and red bloodshot eyeballs, as if he hadn't slept all night.

That's right, Shu Yufu was already delicate, so she definitely couldn't sleep in this situation.

After thinking about it, Lu Xiaogong strengthened his previous idea and raised a cheap son.

At any rate, Wuying Villa has a big family and a big business, but it's just a matter of having an extra mouth to eat.

Although he decided to raise the child, how should he tell Tan Kai and Shu Yufu about this?

After all, apart from Lu Xiaogong who had the memory of the original owner's previous life, even Shu Yufu herself was not quite sure if she really had it.

Also, how would Sikong Yueqin and Lin Jiantong explain?

You can't hide them and let Wuying Villa have multiple unrelated heirs, right?

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

In fact, Lu Xiaogong was still puzzled by one question. In the memory of the original owner, Shu Yufu gave birth to a boy more than seven months after they got married.

It takes a woman a total of 280 days to conceive, which is a little over nine months.

That means that Shu Yufu is now almost a month pregnant.

According to Lu Xiaogong's knowledge, ancient doctors seem to be able to diagnose a woman's specific pregnancy month based on pulse conditions.

However, the original owner only learned from the midwife that the child was born on a full moon when Shu Yufu gave birth, so she couldn't accept it for a while.

Then why didn't he find out that the month of the child in Shu Yufu's stomach was wrong?

Lu Xiaogong searched the memory of the original owner and found the reason.

It turns out that since getting married, Lin Jiantong has slowly started to hand over the property of the villa to him.

During that time, the original owner was very busy, even though she knew that Shu Yufu was pregnant, she rarely had time to ask about Shu Yufu.

And they don't have much time to see each other.

Occasionally, I call the doctor to ask, but the doctor will only reply that the fetus is very good and the pulse is very strong, as if deliberately forgetting the question of the month of the fetus.

However, the original owner didn't think much about it.

That means someone told the doctor in advance.

Then the person who confessed to the doctor can figure out who it is with his toes.

Lu Xiaogong looked inquisitively at Shu Yufu who was silent opposite.

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