Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

A month passed by, and Lu Xiaogong quickly got used to the pace of life in this world.

In order to prevent being recognized as not the original owner, he has been following the original owner's trajectory during this period of time, and even the original owner's small movements and habits have been imitated vividly by him.

After a period of time, Lu Xiaogong felt that his personality was about to split.

Fortunately, he gradually got used to it.

He will still contact the people the original owner usually should contact, but the frequency has decreased a lot. During this period of time, he also went back to the original owner's home and met with the original owner's relatives.

Knowing that he was going to meet the original owner's family, Lu Xiaogong felt uneasy. He made a lot of mental preparations before going out, but even so, when Lu Xiaogong saw the original owner's family, he couldn't help showing a little nervousness.

Lu Xiaogong's nervousness caught the attention of Lu's father and mother, facing their inquiries, Lu Xiaogong could only find a reason to prevaricate with a bitter face.

Fortunately, the original owner had just returned to China, and he didn't show any other flaws, so the original owner's family didn't find out that his son had been replaced.

At most, he felt that he had been away from home for too long, which made him feel nervous when he returned home.

The topic soon passed, and the Lu family kept asking Lu Wei about his living conditions abroad in the past few years, and whether he had encountered anything interesting.

Faced with the concern of Lu Wei's family, Lu Xiaogong was frightened, fearing that he would reveal his identity by accident.

Lu Xiaogong was very grateful to the system, the system was so prescient, it gave him the memory of the original owner in advance, and gave him time to familiarize himself with the life style of the original owner.

When he came out of the original owner's house, Lu Xiaogong's entire back was drenched in cold sweat.

On the one hand, he was afraid of being exposed, but more importantly, Lu Xiaogong felt guilty. He didn't feel anything when he occupied the original owner's body before, but facing the concern of the original owner's family, he felt that he had stolen all of this , All of this originally belonged to Lu Wei, he was just a shameful thief.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaogong became restless, and even those who passed him by occasionally could find that his thoughts were not in place.

The system noticed that Lu Xiaogong's mentality was not right, and with the purpose of caring for the host's mental health, he asked Lu Xiaogong, "Host, what's wrong with you?" Hearing the system's inquiry,

Lu Xiaogong recovered from his guilt, He asked it with a little lack of confidence, "System, tell me, I put it on Lu Wei, so... where did Lu Wei go?" "Host, are

you asking the original owner?" Hearing Lu Xiaogong's question , the system was silent for a while before asking back.

"That's right! I'm just asking the original owner, the original owner of this body! I occupied his body, so where did he go?" Lu Xiaogong was agitated, and the panic and guilt could not be concealed in his voice.

As if sensing Lu Xiaogong's uneasiness, the system quickly comforted him, "Please be patient, the host, and the system will check for you." It was

also the system's cold mechanical voice that never had emotional ups and downs that comforted Lu Xiaogong. My flustered heart suddenly calmed down.

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