Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

There was a look like if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear you up.

Seeing his appearance, the yellow hair was a little scared for a moment, but thinking of the pain just now, his heart was filled with violence, and he sneered, "Someone gave us 10 million To buy that little boy's life, of course we listened to the employer, tearing up the ticket, who made you come so late? We chopped up the corpse and threw it out to feed the fish." As soon as Huang Mao said this, other kidnappers

rushed He looked at him in surprise, but no one said anything, acquiescing to Huang Mao's words.

Bai Wanming, who was shaken by Huang Mao's words, didn't notice the expressions on their faces.

His face was instantly pale without a trace of blood, and his eyes were dull and dull.

Bai Wanming remembered that when he closed his eyes on the plane, the young man appeared in front of him covered in blood and asked him why he didn't come to rescue him.

Could it be that he was late?

Two lines of clear tears overflowed from the corners of Bai Wanming's eyes, flowed across his face, and dripped to the ground.

A man doesn't flick his tears easily, but he doesn't reach the sad point.

He didn't cry when his parents left, and he didn't cry when his grandfather left, but at this moment, he was so powerless.

"Impossible, I don't believe it." He slowly closed his eyes and muttered to himself. "This must not be true."

Bai Wanming's hands outside his sleeves kept shaking, he subconsciously clenched his fists, trying to calm down and think carefully.

But even if he allowed his strength to pinch the palm of his hand, it would still be sudden.

He cannot be calm.

Seeing him like this, the others couldn't bear to look any further, and looked away one after another.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Wanming restrained himself, and told the bodyguards around, "Go and find me, dig three feet and find him!" He didn't believe that something would happen to the young man

. When I sent him a message yesterday, I said that I was not in danger. How could something happen in just a few hours?

He doesn't believe it.

"In life one must see people, in death one must...see corpses." The second half of the sentence was extremely difficult for Bai Wanming.

As soon as he finished speaking, a weak voice with slight doubts came from not far behind him, "What corpse do you see?"

Bai Wanming froze and stopped breathing.

Did he hear wrong?

He was so timid that he didn't dare to look back for a moment. But Lu Lin didn't have such worries. After hearing his silly brother's voice, he immediately looked over there.

At this time, the sky was just getting bright, and there was fog in the mountains, which obscured people's sight, and they could only see a vague figure in the forest, but they couldn't see clearly.

Lu Lin subconsciously took a step forward, but stopped in the next moment.

He also had doubts in his heart. After all, he had just heard the news of his brother's death, and the next moment he heard the other's voice with his own ears.

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