Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

After filling his stomach, Lu Xiaogong felt that he finally came back to life. He leaned against the wall, touched his round belly, and sighed.

The taste of this bowl of preserved egg porridge is not so good.

Even the pain on the original owner's body made him forget for a short while.

"Because the host ordered a hot lean meat and preserved egg porridge, 1 point was deducted, and now the host has 5099 points left."

Lu Xiaogong waved his hand, "Deduct it, don't need to notify me."

Being deducted points is better than just now. If you pass through, you will be starved to death.

After eating and drinking enough, Lu Xiaogong began to treat his injuries.

As soon as he lifted the clothes, he saw bruises all over his body, and he knew at a glance that he had been beaten.

However, this was a ruthless beating that directly killed the original owner.

Lu Xiaogong found a bottle of ointment specially for this kind of injury from his small space, and applied it on the bruise. As soon as he applied it, there was a burst of coolness and fragrance from the wound, and his body became much more relaxed.

Lu Xiaogong painted all the places he could paint, and asked the system to help if his hands couldn't reach his back.

The system waved its small body, and it took a lot of effort to fix the injury on Lu Xiaogong's back.

After finishing the work, he was directly tired and paralyzed on the bed. Lu Xiaogong couldn't help laughing when he saw it lying on the bed with a look of lovelessness.

"You look so ugly."

"You are so handsome and suave, how can Yushu Linfeng's system be ugly?" The system looked at him contemptuously, "You should piss and take a picture of yourself now, and you will know what it means Ugly." "????" Lu Xiaogong had a question mark on his face, didn't he wear a coquettish slut in every world? How could it be ugly? Is there something wrong with this world? Lu Xiaogong looked around, but couldn't find anything that could clearly illuminate his face. Forget it, let's accept the plot first.

"System, send me the plot and the memory of the original owner."

"Okay, it hurts a bit, the host bears with it."

The system ordered as usual.

"Well, I know, let's send it."

The next moment, a lot of information rushed into Lu Xiaogong's mind, and Lu Xiaogong's eyes widened unexpectedly.

Compared with the previous two times when the pain was so painful that he wanted to die, this time he hardly felt any pain, and it was even worse than the pain on his body.

"What's wrong with the host? Is it very painful?" System Fei looked at him worriedly in mid-air. Lu Xiaogong shook his head, "No, it doesn't hurt." "

Really?" The system widened its cornices in surprise, with disbelief on its face, "Last time you were so painful that you almost snapped off your nails. , how could it not hurt this time?"

"Really, I have to lie to you about this kind of thing?"

"That's true."

Lu Xiaogong was more surprised than the system, he was already prepared for the pain to die , Unexpectedly, the result was beyond his expectation.

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