Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

Before Wei Siming could react, Lu Xiaogong let him go and slipped away.

Wei Siming looked at his back stupidly, and stood there motionless.

His heart, at one moment, was still in hell, but at the next moment, it went straight to heaven.

When Wei Siming woke up completely, nearly half an hour had passed. He rushed to Lu Xiaogong in a hurry, grabbed his shoulders tightly with both hands, and asked anxiously, "Senpai, what did you just say? I Did you hear me wrong?"

Lu Xiaogong frowned, and said quietly, "You hurt me."

Hearing this, Wei Siming hurriedly let go of his hand, reaching out to untie the belt on Lu Xiaogong's body, "My benefactor, let me see if there is any injury."

Lu Xiaogong stopped his movement, "No."

Even in a hurry, Wei Siming's strikes were measured, but it was a bit uncomfortable due to excessive strength. It's not enough to hurt Lu Xiaogong.

"Oh." Wei Siming blushed with excitement and was at a loss for what to do. After being stopped by Lu Xiaogong, he calmed down a little.

But he still insisted on asking the question just now, "Senpai, what did you just say, can you say it again?"

Lu Xiaogong squinted at him, and let out a cold snort from his nostrils, "Don't say good things a second time, Forget it if you didn't hear clearly, just pretend I didn't say it."

"That's not okay!" Wei Siming's face turned pale with anxiety, "You have already said it, my benefactor, you said you like me, how can you pretend you didn't say it? Yes?"

"Oh, didn't you hear it clearly? Now that you heard it clearly, do you need to ask again?"

Wei Siming blushed, "Don't I want to hear your benefactor say it again?"

Oh, man!

Lu Xiaogong didn't want to pay attention to this fool, and urged, "Hurry up and wash up, and go up the mountain with Fifth Uncle Shen." "

Oh," the benefactor just said he liked him, but the next moment he wanted to drive him away, did he really like him?

The second donkey was unhappy and suspicious.

However, it is also possible that the benefactor expressed his feelings to himself, but he did not respond and was unhappy, so he was so indifferent?

Wei Siming felt that he had figured it out, and his mood immediately cheered up. He quickly ran to Lu Xiaogong and looked at him solemnly.

? ? ? ? ?

Lu Xiaogong was at a loss, what did the second donkey want to do?

"Benefactor, I like you too!"

Wei Siming ran up to him and just said this, and then looked at him expectantly.


Lu Xiaogong looked at him speechlessly, "Okay, okay, I understand, go wash up and eat and go up the mountain with Fifth Uncle Shen, otherwise you won't be allowed to eat."

Lu Xiaogong threatened.

Why did he show his heart to the benefactor, but the benefactor's reaction was still so flat?

Wei Siming was full of disappointment, he didn't respond,

even when Lu Xiaogong threatened not to let him eat, he didn't respond.

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