Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

He took the ring, showed a bright smile, and excitedly kissed Xie Mingrui's lovely face, "Thank you."

Xie Mingrui blushed and stammered, "'re welcome."

Lu Xiao Gong calmed down, took out a bag of new-style pastries made by Liu Ma from the pink rabbit schoolbag, and handed it to him, "This is specially made by Liu Ma for you, take it and eat." "I want it too

! Su Hongye next to him stretched out her chubby little hands and looked at him with blinking eyes, full of expectations.

"Go away, I don't have your share, you've already eaten candy."


The little girl was sullen, her face turned to the side, Brother Xiao was too annoying, she didn't want to talk to him anymore, she knew she was biased.

Lu Xiaogong was in a great mood and didn't notice her little emotions.

Xie Mingrui, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment, took out a pastry from the bag and handed it to her, and said in a low voice, "Sister Hongye, don't be angry with brother Xiao, thank you brother for giving it to you." A child's anger comes and goes

quickly , get what you want, don't be angry.

The two sat beside Lu Xiaogong, one on the left and the other on the right, like two hamsters, gnawing on the pastry.

Lu Xiaogong didn't care about the interaction between the two of them, all his attention was on the ring in his hand.

This is something that is important to him.

Back then when he was cast as a fetus, the system lost contact with him after saying a word intermittently, and the ring that followed him in the two worlds also disappeared.

He had almost forgotten it for so long, if he hadn't seen it suddenly, he wouldn't have remembered it. There is also a life-saving elixir in this ring, and a medical book that he bought at a high price, but he hasn't had time to read it yet.

Not knowing whether the system will be attached to the ring, Lu Xiaogong felt anticipation in his heart.

Without the system in hand, and with the body of a little bun on his back, it was really inconvenient to do anything.

The first two worlds didn't have a system, so they didn't really affect him much. After all, he had already received the plot and the memory of the original owner, and he was an adult, but now it was different, he was still a child.

"System, are you there?"

Lu Xiaogong called expectantly.

However, no response.

His heart is gradually sinking, isn't it there?

Lu Xiaogong was full of disappointment, and his whole body exuded low air pressure.

Xie Mingrui saw that something was wrong with him, stopped eating the pastry, and asked vaguely, "Xiao Gong, what's wrong with you?

" Only then did he realize what the other party said.

He shook his head, "I'm fine."

"Oh." Obviously worried, Lu Xiaogong tried his best to adjust his mentality, touched him, and was about to say something to comfort him.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from his ear, "Ding-the system is starting."

Lu Xiaogong paused, and a huge surprise hit him, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

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