Chapter 110

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Chapter 110 The hero and I are enemies

The sky was just getting brighter, and wisps of golden sunlight penetrated through the thick clouds and sprinkled to the earth, adding some bright colors to the world.

The young man who was sleeping soundly on the bed frowned slightly, raised his big hands, covered his eyes, covered the glare of the light, and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

After a while, one of his hands accidentally rested on a warm object, he was startled, opened his eyes suddenly and sat up from the bed.

Fully awake.

The messy bed is the first thing that catches the eye, followed by a man's back.

Looking at the marks on his body again, an adult knows what happened.

Lu Xiaogong's expression was complicated, he drank a few more glasses yesterday, why did things turn out like this?

He gave himself a sip, regretful in his heart, if he knew that things would turn out like this, he wouldn't have drunk so much yesterday.

It's fine if he doesn't remember anything after drinking, but...

he remembers clearly what happened after drinking.

Lu Xiaogong calmed down, and pushed the person lying beside him, "Wake up."

But what he touched was scalding hot, Lu Xiaogong was startled, and quickly turned him over.

I saw that Xie Mingrui's face was flushed, his brows were tightly furrowed, and there were big drops of sweat on his forehead, as if he had fallen into some terrible nightmare.

"Mingrui, wake up."

Xie Mingrui did not wake up.

Lu Xiaogong was anxious and didn't care too much, got off the bed, put on a village shirt casually, picked up Xie Mingrui, and rushed to the bathroom.

Because it was the first time this happened to Lu Xiaogong, Lu Xiaogong was a little flustered, the male lead who had slept with him before had never had this kind of situation.

He cleaned Xie Mingrui's body first, then dried him, carried him to the bed, and then started physical cooling for him. He checked a certain part of the other party, and there was no injury, no redness, and swelling, but he didn't know why it happened suddenly. I feel hot all over.

Thanks to Lu Xiaogong's efforts, the temperature on Xie Mingrui's body quickly dropped. During this period, the other party did not wake up, and his brows were still frowning.

Lu Xiaogong was fidgeting, Xie Mingrui looked like this, it must not be something wrong with his body, he must be trapped by the nightmare, he couldn't wake up even if he screamed, he really didn't know what to do.

In the end Lu Xiaogong sat on the bed and hugged him tightly, hoping to give him some strength to break free as soon as possible.

In the dream, Xie Mingrui was very restless, occasionally struggling and screaming silently.

Lu Xiaogong felt distressed when he saw it.

What a terrible dream it is that makes a person struggle like this.

"Ming Rui, don't be afraid, I'm here."

He hugged him and comforted him softly.

Not only did his comforting have no effect, but it made the other party struggle even more.

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