Chapter 119

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Chapter 119 After sleeping with the future emperor

When the two of them were upside down, the Luan was upside down, and the Phoenix was in the backyard of Zhenyuan Hou's Mansion.

A beautiful woman with a bright face and an elegant and luxurious face suddenly stood up from her seat, dropped the cup in her hand, and her face was full of shock.

"You said that bitch was rescued?"

"Yes, ma'am, those bandits... are all dead, not a single one is left."

"That bitch's life is so good, it won't kill her." Zhenyuanhou The madam patted her hands resentfully, her face full of ferociousness.

The person serving next to him was frightened and submissive, lowering his head and not daring to look this way.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and a maid's voice sounded outside, "Miss is here."

Mrs. Zhenyuan Hou was overjoyed, "Yun'er is here? Come in quickly!"

The bright woman named Yuner entered the house Finally, he bowed to Mrs. Zhenyuanhou, "Mother."

"Come here and let mother take a look."

Fan Jiyun walked a few steps closer, and Mrs. Zhenyuanhou pulled her and looked at her carefully, "I won't see you for a few days, my son I've lost weight again."

"Mother, how can it be? What was mother angry just now?" When

Mrs. Zhenyuanhou told about the previous incident, Fan Jiyun frowned first, and then whispered a few words in her ear.

Mrs. Zhenyuan Hou immediately smiled and praised, "I'm still considerate, I'll just see how this cheap hoof blocks your way .


People cared about this, so they breathed a sigh of relief. If it wasn't inconvenient for her an unmarried daughter to do things in this mansion, she might not have told her mindless mother about the matter.

"Okay, don't tell me, don't worry, Yun'er."

Fan Jiyun's face softened, and the mother and daughter whispered.

On the other side, when Lu Xiaogong woke up again, he had already changed places.

He looked at the delicate bed curtain above his head, a little confused, where is he?

Before he could think it through, a sarcastic voice came from beside him, "Are you awake?"

Lu Xiaogong turned his head to look, and there was a man sitting outside the bed curtain.

He doesn't sit very well and looks a little sloppy.

Lu Xiaogong's gaze paused on his face for a few seconds. The man in front of him was very good-looking, with two sword-shaped eyebrows raised upwards, a pair of romantic eyes, deep and wide eyelids, a high nose bridge, two The thin lips were slightly parted, and the corners of the mouth curled up a little, like a smile but not a smile.

It looks both rebellious and romantic.

Seeing him staring at him with a confused face, Feng Yanming kindly reminded, "Do you still remember what you did?"

Lu Xiaogong's head froze for a second, and his memory slowly came back.

He seemed to be hunted down as soon as he passed through, and then?

He seems to have met a person and asked him for help.

And then?

After the crisis was resolved, he seemed to take the initiative to sleep with others in order to save his life, but they seemed not happy.

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