Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

"I'm looking for the village chief." Wei Siming looked at the person who opened the door and said.

"Come in." The person inside the door glanced at them several times and turned sideways.

Wei Siming stepped in with the person in his hand.

The village chief sat neatly in the main room, his old face was sleepy, and he didn't look very sober.

Seeing Wei Siming, he didn't remember to speak, but just looked at him with his cloudy eyes full of wisdom, up and down several times.

Wei Siming was not annoyed either, and just let him look around.

The more you look at it, the more frightened you become. This person is not simple.

The village chief looked away and said, "Xiaosheng, are you the one who was rescued by Li Tongsheng?" "

Yes, village chief." Wei Siming nodded in respect.

"Er Donkey, right? What do you want to do with the old man?"

The village chief glanced at the man in his hand. The man's head was lowered, blocked by his hair, and he couldn't see his face clearly.

"That's right, village chief, a few days ago Aunt Zhao discovered that the paddy fields at Li Tongsheng's house had been drained..." "

What? What happened? Why didn't you come and tell me?" Wei Siming didn't say anything. After speaking, the village head interrupted him. He stood up in shock, and the drowsiness disappeared without a trace.

After the shock, the village chief looked angry. Like Aunt Zhao, he was a person who took the crops seriously. He didn't expect that someone in the village would dare to do something to the seedlings in the field, which was a big taboo. "It's like this. Aunt Zhao didn't say anything when she found out about it. After going back to discuss it, she decided to sit on the sidelines and wait for rabbits. She stayed on the edge of the field for several nights and finally caught the thief today." Wei Siming explained the matter in two or three sentences . Clearly, throw the person who was still moaning in pain on the ground like a broken sack. The village chief's eyes twitched, but he could see the faces of the people on the ground clearly because of this, and his face suddenly sank, "Shen Sanzhuang, why is it you!"

The groans and groans of the people on the ground suddenly stopped, and the room was completely silent.

The village head's face was so dark that ink could drip, but Wei Siming was thinking about the name Shen Sanzhuang.

Isn't this the father of the woman my benefactor liked before? what do you say that is? Shen Lengyu?

It turned out that this was Shen Sanzhuang, the man who ordered his daughter to evacuate the valuables from the benefactor's house.

Wei Siming looked at the people on the ground with a bad expression on his face. It seems that he just hit too lightly.

The village chief looked disappointed and said in a stern voice, "Shen Sanzhuang, it seems that you didn't listen to my words last time. Do you want to take your family and be expelled from the clan?

" Shen Sanzhuang panicked and didn't care about moaning or chirping anymore. He quickly got up and hugged the village chief's thigh, "Village chief! Village chief! I was just infatuated for a while, I know I'm wrong, please don't drive me out of the clan. Don't drive me out of Shenjia Village!"

Shen Sanzhuang's voice was full of panic, but the village chief just snorted coldly and kicked him away, "I know I was wrong? I warned you last time, you didn't listen, now you know Wrong? It's late. I'll ask the elders of the village to come forward tomorrow and drive your family out of Shenjia Village!" Seeing that the begging was useless, Shen Sanzhuang suddenly became courageous. He remembered what his son had said, The surname called the village chief, "How dare you? Shen Mingyang, do you know that my son Shen Jianxiu is a boy? He has friendship with the owner of the county? If you dare to expel my family, I will ask my son to tell the county master to let you The village chief can't do it!" As if realizing that his tone and attitude were too bad, he lowered his voice again, "Village chief, I really know I was wrong, please forgive me this time? Did I give you a beating? Let's just make things right, okay?" The village chief's face turned green and pale, and he looked at Shen Sanzhuang gloomyly. He was afraid of Shen Sanzhuang's assertiveness in his heart, but he was unwilling to let him let Shen Sanzhuang go like this. The village chief hesitated in his heart, and it would be difficult to make a decision for a while.

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