Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

There is no need for Su Mingyi to lie to her, after all, she is the only relative of the other party.

"Since you were able to find this place, you must have seen Jing'er, right?"

Shu Yufu asked.

Su Mingyi nodded, "Yes, I have met Jing Er, sister-in-law, is Jing Er the eldest brother's son? He looks just like the eldest brother when he was a child." When mentioning her son, Shu Yufu's expression softened a little, and she

nodded "Yes, Jing'er is your elder brother's son."

"Sister-in-law, you have suffered all these years." Su Mingyi said this sincerely. In his opinion, Shu Yufu really suffered.

In order to keep her eldest brother's blood, she must have put in a lot of effort.

Shu Yufu shook her head, "Actually, I haven't suffered much these years. When I escaped from the Su family, the owner and his wife rescued me, and I married my husband not long after, and now my husband treats me very well." Alright, treat Jing Er as my own, I haven't suffered all these years, but Ming Yi, you have suffered. These years, those people must have hunted you down a lot, right?" "It's all over, sister-in-law.

" Su Mingyi avoided talking about this topic, "Sister-in-law, you said that Lu... your current husband treats you very well, but these two days I found that he is obviously very cold to you. Sister-in-law, are you talking about it for him out of affection? Good words?"

Although he didn't pay much attention to Brother Lu's appearance in the morning, he was indeed indifferent, but why did sister-in-law hide it for him? And said he was nice to her?

Shu Yufu shook her head, "Ming Yi doesn't know something, my husband is really good to me, she has been indifferent to me these days because I did something wrong and he caught me." Listening to Shu

Yufu For a husband, Su Mingyi's heart is so sore, but he has no choice, he can't make his sister-in-law stop shouting, right?

After all, they are the serious couples who have been married and paid homage to each other, but he is just a dewy relationship.

Before setting off, he was still thinking about how to deal with Brother Lu's wife, so that she would leave him voluntarily, or simply let her disappear from this world.

But ever since he found out that Brother Lu's wife was his former sister-in-law, all the plans in his heart in the past have failed, and he can't attack the person who used to be his own sister-in-law.

What's more, she gave birth to her brother's posthumous child, how could he do it?

"What did sister-in-law do wrong?" Su Mingyi was very interested in this. What did sister-in-law do wrong to make such a good-tempered person like Brother Lu treat others coldly?

What's more, sister-in-law also said that Brother Lu was very kind to her back then.

Thinking of this, Su Mingyi felt sore again.

Brother Lu always treated him indifferently, teasing him when he was happy, and pretending not to see him when he was unhappy.

Comparing people to people makes people mad. Su Mingyi's heart was sour and astringent.

Does Brother Lu really have a sister-in-law in his heart? And his previous guess was wrong?

"It's nothing." Shu Yufu avoided talking about this topic. If Ming Yi knew that she was instigating Jing'er to deal with her husband and was thinking about that male vixen, she might have a problem with her.

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