Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

With Lu Xiaogong's good medicine and delicious food, half a month later, Wei Siming's health was mostly healed, and the wound on his back had scabbed over.

Lu Xiaogong was still worried that Wei Siming would get a cold after soaking in the water for so long. This is not modern times. You must know that wind and cold can kill people in ancient times.

However, the opponent's physical fitness was obviously much better than he had imagined, and what he was worried about did not happen.

And Lu Xiaogong's own health has also improved a lot, at least not like before, where he had to stop for a few steps to catch his breath.

Although the beauty has not yet recovered, the bluish gray on his face has faded, replaced by paleness, and the sunken eye sockets have flattened a lot, not as obvious as before.

At least now he looks like a person, instead of half a month ago, looking like a person or a ghost.

It seems that those old hens in Aunt Zhao's house were not in vain. Aunt Zhao's old hens are fat and strong, and they are still old.

For the past half month, Lu Xiaogong would go to Aunt Zhao's house every three days to buy some meat for the two of them. Of course, Aunt Zhao had already made it. After half a month, Aunt Zhao's old hen had been almost harmed by them.

Half a month later, not to mention the two of them, even Aunt Zhao's family got their honor. Compared with the past, the food is far worse than before. The boys and brothers in his family have gained a lot of weight, and their faces are flushed. of.

After all, the two men, Lu Xiaogong and Wei Siming, could eat, but an old hen weighed a lot, weighing several catties.

Moreover, Lu Xiaogong was determined to improve his relationship with his neighbors, every time he went to get meat, Lu Xiaogong would deliberately leave a lot for the family so that they could improve their meals.

His move was very effective, taking advantage of him so much, Aunt Zhao was not too embarrassed, she was very enthusiastic every time she saw him, she took the initiative to charge less money from him, and even gave him a chicken, the relationship between the two families quickly grew close.

Lu Xiaogong rejected Aunt Zhao's chicken, but he didn't refuse the other party's kindness to charge him less money. After all, he also knew that the chicken he bought from Aunt Zhao's house was much more expensive than the ones on the market. Although there are several boxes of silver in his space, even gold, and there is no shortage of money, but the wealth is not exposed. After all, the villagers still know his family's wealth well.

And when he took out the money, he made the excuse that it was his wife's book left by his parents, and he was really not in good health recently, so he took some out to buy some good health care.

Of course, you can't spend it lavishly.

Aunt Zhao didn't suspect anything, she just told him not to tell Shen Sanzhuang's family about this, who doesn't know that that family is like leeches in the water, they love to suck other people's blood?

And after the two got acquainted, Aunt Zhao praised him whenever she met, and even whitewashed his image.

He said that his previous unkind appearance was not noble, nor did he look down on their muddy legs, it was just that he was too shy and didn't know how to get along with others, which misunderstood others.

Many people are skeptical, and many people will discuss in their free time whether Li Tongsheng seems to be really as Aunt Zhao said, just too shy, rather than looking down on their muddy legs rolling in the fields son. Of course, Aunt Zhao also kept an eye out, and didn't say that Li Tongsheng bought several old hens from her to make up for her health. Who knows if it will attract the attention of some caring people? Continue to pester others shamelessly for benefits? Recently, her family earned two taels of silver by killing a few old hens for Li Tongsheng, which was the family's income for more than half a year in the past. Somehow this word got to Shen Sanzhuang's family, Shen Jianxiu scoffed at it, he was also a boy, and he had studied in Li Xiucai's private school, he still doesn't know what kind of virtue that guy is? Not to mention being arrogant, greedy and lustful, with no brains at all, otherwise how could his little sister have emptied his family so easily? Just crying a few words in front of him can make him so angry that he becomes a beauty, and it is really troublesome to find Shen Zi many times.

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