Chapter 100

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Chapter 100 The hero and I are enemies

"Did your parents treat you badly?"

Shouldn't it?

Obviously after his hard work, his biological parents' attitude towards Xie Mingrui has improved a lot, and they have been paying attention to their family all these years.

It's similar to an ordinary family, and even more harmonious than an ordinary family.

Xie Mingrui changed his expression, shook his head, and his tone was a little light.

"It's not bad, they have been nice to me all these years, but I always feel that there is something else in this goodness. And, when I was a child..." He stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, not wanting to

recall the bad times in the past , I don't want to tell others that my parents are bad.

Moreover, he was scolded by his father as a bastard, and he didn't want this person in front of him to know.

Such dirty and ugly words should not be used to pollute the ears of people like Xiao Gong.

The other party may not know that when he reached out to himself for the first time, he was his only salvation.

Lu Xiaogong was silent, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Mixed with what? Nothing more than guilt.

Lu Xiaogong remembered very clearly that when he contacted his biological father as a mysterious person, he offered to provide him with a job with good pay. But in exchange, he wants to treat Xie Mingrui better.

The other party's first sentence was not him, why did he help him.

Instead, ask, 'Are you the father of that bastard?

Father's reply stunned Lu Xiaogong and the system. After reacting, Lu Xiaogong's face turned dark, but the system was rolling with laughter .

He hurriedly explained, but no matter how he explained, the other party immediately identified him as Xie Mingrui's biological father and Gong Fangfang's adulterer.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaogong felt dumbfounded.

He spent a lot of effort but couldn't explain it clearly, and finally had to tell the story of the exchange.

But other than that, he didn't say anything more. Even when Xie Dayi asked him where his own son was, he just said that he was living a very good life now.

However, these cannot be told to Xie Mingrui.

The two were silent, and the atmosphere froze immediately.

"Brother! I'm done! Take me to play!"

A cheer broke the silence of the living room.

The seven-year-old Henry Zhang rushed out of the restaurant like a small firecracker. Lu Xiaogong's eyelids jumped, and he hurriedly shouted, "Slow down, don't fall." As soon as the words fell, Henry Zhang slipped, and

immediately I fell down.

He was stunned by the sudden fall, and it took him a while to react, and as soon as he did, he burst into tears.

Lu Xiaogong hurried forward and picked him up, "What are you doing frizzy?"

Hearing Henry Zhang's cry, Mama Liu rushed out of the kitchen in a hurry, "What's wrong with the young master?" "

It's okay, Just fell, Grandma Liu, go and do your work." Lu Xiaogong hugged Henry Zhang to the sofa, and Xie Mingrui gave him a hand beside him.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

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