Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Since the opening of Hun, Wei Siming would hang around Lu Xiaogong at night after finishing his own affairs during the day.

Lu Xiaogong was reluctant, and often refused with righteous words, but in the end he always granted the other party's wish.

Such days are happy for Wei Siming, but for Lu Xiaogong, he can't wait to slap Erlu's handsome face with a shoe.

Who wants to be drained every night and get out of bed on limp legs the next day?

Even Aunt Zhao and Uncle Shen could see that he was not in a good state recently, so they asked him to rest more, and asked him if he was too tired from studying, while Wei Siming watched the fun with a smile on his face. Every time he saw him like this, Lu Xiaogong wanted to go up and beat him up, and he didn't think about who the culprit was for his behavior.

But his force value is not as high as the opponent.

However, he also discovered a strange thing. Since sleeping with Erlu, his internal energy training speed has been much faster. If it weren't for the internal energy body protection, he felt that he would be the first tasker to die on someone else's bed .

Lu Xiaogong also thought about what was going on, but couldn't figure it out.

With all his strength exhausted, the progress of the Soul Refining Art has also accelerated. If he is given a few more years, he might be able to break through the second floor and enter the third floor.

Lu Xiaogong practiced harder and harder, he wanted to become even stronger, and then beat Erlu for revenge.

This kind of life lasted for half a month, until Aunt Zhao came to their house cursing one day.

Lu Xiaogong was reading, Wei Siming and Shen Wushu had already gone up the mountain, after hearing her angry scolding, he put down his book and left the bedroom, "Aunt Zhao, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry?" It's okay for Lu Xiaogong not to ask

, When I asked Aunt Zhao, she became even more angry, "Since you brought back the paddy fields and land from Shen Sanzhuang, I went to see it once except the first day. I was too busy during this period, so I didn't go to see it. I was thinking about it today. Look, do you want to weed and weed, but it turned out that I don't know who killed thousands of dollars, drained the water in your paddy field, and the seedlings dried up. Judging from the signs, it should have been done in two days. Fortunately, it was discovered Morning, I just put the water back in."

Paddy field?

Lu Xiaogong remembered this matter, ever since he and Aunt Zhao went to find the village head that day, Shen Sanzhuang brought the things back to him the next day, not to mention that the fields were coming back.

Now that the benefits of that family have been vomited out, Lu Xiaogong doesn't intend to continue to worry about it, and with the matter with Wei Siming, he really forgot about this family recently.

If Aunt Zhao hadn't mentioned the paddy field, he probably wouldn't remember this family.

Lu Xiaogong thought for a while, and asked, "Aunt Zhao, who do you think would do this?" "

Except for Shen Sanzhuang's family, who else is nothing?" Aunt Zhao spat bitterly. "I was still wondering last time. Shen Sanzhuang was too honest last time. I thought it was the village head's threat that made a difference, but I didn't expect him to be here waiting for us. I knew that family would not let it go so easily. No, I'm going to go to the door and ask them to settle the score."

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