Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Overbearing President Pretty Assistant

Lu Xiaogong didn't know anything about the fate that was arranged for him, he was in a good mood today, not to mention seeing the male lead, the male lead looks so in line with his aesthetics.

Such a good-looking and rich person turned out to be his future veteran, if it was in the past, Lu Xiaogong would not have dared to think about it.

But it's different now, he can travel through time, and he also got a strategy system, what else he dare not think about.

I don't know if he will be interested in ordinary men after seeing such a top man, maybe he won't be interested? After all, who can swallow bad food after eating delicacies from mountains and seas?

Although he hasn't eaten the delicacies of mountains and seas in his mouth yet, isn't it a matter of time? Lu Xiaogong has confidence in himself.

The system hasn't talked to Lu Xiaogong since he shut up, but it doesn't affect his good mood at all. Ignore it and ignore it, the system ignores Lu Xiaogong, and Lu Xiaogong forgot it after a while when he got busy.

The only thing that puzzled him was that when Secretary Wu passed by him, he looked at him several times with complicated and difficult eyes, and hesitated to speak.

Lu Xiaogong wanted to ask Secretary Wu why he looked at him this way, but seeing the other party coming and going in a hurry, obviously very busy, Lu Xiaogong was too embarrassed to disturb him.

After thinking about it, Lu Xiaogong felt that it might not be an important matter, otherwise Secretary Wu would not have reminded him. In this case, it doesn't matter whether you ask or not.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Xiaogong put aside his doubts and started his work seriously.

The busy morning passed quickly. During the lunch break, Lu Xiaogong saw a few outsiders who did not belong to the company moving something into the president's office. Lu Xiaogong ran over to take a look, and soon disappeared. Interested, sat back on his chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

After the lunch break, Lu Xiaogong returned to his busy work.

After finishing the work at hand, he felt a little urgent to urinate, so he hurried to the bathroom.

After draining the water, Lu Xiaogong felt a burst of relief. When he was done, he inadvertently looked to his side, only to realize that there was someone beside him at some point. That person was tall, and Lu Xiaogong needed to raise his head. To see each other's face clearly.

But when he saw the handsome face of the other party clearly, Lu Xiaogong looked horrified, because that person was none other than the male protagonist he had met twice in the morning, and Bai Wan understood the president.

At this time, Bai Wanming was staring at Lu Xiaogong's... crotch with a meaningful gaze, Lu Xiaogong trembled from that gaze, and almost withered.

"Boss...President, you also come to the bathroom, what a coincidence, hahaha."

Lu Xiao, who was overwhelmed by the sight, attacked him haha, trying to ease the embarrassing atmosphere at this time, who knew that Bai Wanming didn't reply to him at all, She just shifted her eyes to his face and stared at him unexpectedly for several seconds.

Just when Lu Xiaogong thought he would return to him, Bai Wanming withdrew his gaze, and said softly when he turned around, "The capital is good."

Lu Xiaogong was stunned, he thought he heard it wrong. After recovering, he shouted from the bottom of his heart, "System! System! Come out!"

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