Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Domineering CEO Pretty Assistant

Lu Xiaogong was not the only one who was stunned, the person on the opposite side who saw his face clearly was also stunned for a moment, but he recovered quickly.

It's just that he is used to being expressionless, and no one can see this small difference.

Bai Wanming took his briefcase expressionlessly, stepped past Lu Xiaogong's eyes quickly, and left a sentence, "Be careful when walking next time."

Lu Xiaogong came back to his senses when the person disappeared in front of him. .

Just if...he ran into the hero?



He just let the hero fly away from his face? Didn't even take the chance?

I wipe!

Lu Xiaogong couldn't help cursing a curse in his heart in annoyance.

The cooked duck flew!

The regret in Lu Xiaogong's heart was so regretful that his intestines were green.

Why didn't he seize the opportunity?

Such a beautiful and romantic encounter, why is his mind so confused! Half a beat too late?

Lu Xiaogong wrinkled his face in annoyance, but even if his whole face was wrinkled, he was still so good-looking.

"System, why didn't you remind me that I met the male lead just now?"

Lu Xiaogong said to the system in his heart, and there seemed to be a little complaint in his words.

And the system that was ruthlessly pushed out of the pot quietly floated out, and did not intend to take the pot, "Host, the system will not remind such trivial matters, and the host has not seen the photo of the male lead before, You can't recognize it yourself, how can you expect the system to remind you?"


seems to make sense?

In fact, the system was also fooling the host, because it didn't notice when the male lead appeared next to his host.

Of course, the host must not let the host know about this, otherwise it may leave the impression of a useless waste snack system in the host's heart, and it will never allow it!

Just when Lu Xiaogong was upset, a person came to him and patted his shoulder, "Hey, Xiao Lu, what are you thinking?" "Ah!" Lu Xiaogong was startled by this sudden

pat With a jump, he immediately came back to his senses, and when he saw clearly the face of the person who slapped him, his frightened heart immediately relaxed, "It's you, Brother Lin. You're so elusive, you almost scared me to death " Me

? Scared you to death?" The person Lu Xiaogong called Brother Lin pointed at himself with a surprised face, and said in disbelief.

"That's right, people scare people, scare people to death, if you pat me suddenly, of course I will be frightened!" Lu Xiaogong said with a straight face.

"You can pull it down!" Lin He rolled his eyes at Lu Xiaogong, "You are the one who scares others to death." "

Brother Lin, what do you mean by that? When did I scare you?" Lu Xiao Gong stared at Lin He in bewilderment, his words full of puzzlement.

"Come on, I'm going to be late for work, let's get on the elevator first, and talk while walking." Lin He grabbed Lu Xiaogong's arm and led him into the elevator.

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