Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Unlike Bai Wanming who inherited his own company, Ji Yuanju loved to gossip since he was a child, and when he grew up, he even disdained the family's inheritance rights. After leaving the family business to his elder brother, he started to work as a private detective.

He was the one who helped investigate Lu Xiaogong's information last time.

This time, Ji Yuanju approached Bai Wanming because he received an order recently, and someone was investigating him as a boy.

As Bai Wanming's childhood friend, it's good that he didn't know about this kind of thing. Once he found out, he couldn't help but investigate back.

As a result, the more I checked, the more frightened I became.

This is someone who wants to deal with him. After knowing this, he couldn't sit still. Didn't he come to the door in person to discuss it with someone?

"Did you win someone recently?" Ji Yuanju asked curiously.

Bai Wanming thought for a while, then shook his head, "I have offended too many people, I don't know which one you are referring to?"

Ji Yuanju: "..." Pretend he didn't ask!

"Then do you know who is dealing with you secretly?"

Bai Wanming frowned tightly, "I have a guess in my heart, but I'm not sure yet, are you free recently?" "Yes,

you want me to What can you do for me?"

It seems that his childhood is just a matter of his intentions, and he was worried for nothing.

"I want me to check on Li Yueru for me."

Li Yueru's strange behavior today made Bai Wanming feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

In fact, he is not familiar with this so-called fiancée, but he just doesn't know why the other party looks at him with that kind of love-hate look.

Originally, he didn't plan to go to the Li family's banquet, but now it seems that it is impossible not to go, but he wants to know what kind of medicine they sell in the Li family's gourd.

"Li Yueru? The eldest lady of the Li family? What are you checking her for?"

Ji Yuanju looked puzzled, he lived in the upper class, and Ji Yuanju was very clear about who was in the upper class.

But he didn't know what Bai Wanming's intention was to investigate this woman.

"I think there's something wrong with that woman."

"Is that so? That's fine, I'll check it out for you, and I'll let you know if there's a result." Ji Yuanju nodded. Since Fa Xiao said so, there must be something wrong with that woman. . After all, growing up at home is never aimless.

As for what's the problem, won't he know when he finds out?


Bai Wanming replied in a low voice, still thinking about the malicious acquisition of Bai's loose shares.

It is also not known which shareholders of the company were involved in the matter.

Bai Wanming didn't think that person was just buying odd shares.

"By the way, Mingming."

As soon as the word Mingming was uttered, Bai Wanming's two death eyes shot over.

"What did you call me?" Bai Wanming paused, staring sharply at Ji Yuanju, as if saying, if you dare to be ignorant, I'll kill you.

But who is Ji Yuanju, he is someone who can resist his own cold face since he was a child, so he ignored Bai Wanming's cold gaze, and asked with a gossip, "Obviously, I want to ask, you go The little beauty I asked me to check last time, did you get your hands on it?"

In response, Bai Wanming's thin lips said three words coldly, "No, get out!"

"Oh, obviously, you don't want to be so heartless! Tell me what's wrong?"

Bai Wanming ignored his convulsions, stood up and left the study, followed by Ji Yuanju.

After leaving the study, Bai Wanming called his special assistant Li Jiayu who was on vacation, and unilaterally ended his vacation early.

It's not that Bai Wanming wants to disturb other newlyweds' honeymoon, but because something like this happened in the company, he must have a trustworthy and capable person by his side.

And this person, besides Li Jiayu who has been with him for many years, has no other choice.

"Mingming, why don't you take me

to meet your little lover?"

Bai Wanming just hung up the phone when a voice of resentment sounded from behind him.

At this time, Lu Xiaogong just came back from the swimming pool. Bai Wanming had sharp eyes and saw the other party when he stepped into the hall. His mood immediately improved, and he didn't care about Ji Yuanju calling him Mingming.

Ji Yuanju was also the one who saw Lu Xiaogong at the same time, he glanced at the young man downstairs, and then at his friend who had a gentle face, feeling amazed in his heart.

This person who is in love is really different. After being friends for so many years, when did he see Mingming like this?

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