Chapter 105

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Chapter 105 The hero and I are enemies

"Where did you change the child back then?" Xie Dayi pressed, after so many years, he finally couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Gong Fangfang shook her head, she cried, "I was obsessed with ghosts at the time, and I overheard the nurse explaining that Rui's biological parents were rich, and I suddenly had the idea of wanting my son to live a better life , Only then did I change the two children. I regret it! How could I have been so ignorant back then? Let the lives of the two children be misaligned, and I still don't know where my own son is." "You are confused!"


Dayi Looking at Gong Fangfang, looking at her tears, he finally just sighed and hugged her into his arms.

If that person hadn't contacted him back then, the two of them would have committed even greater crimes, right?

Thinking of Xie Mingrui's childhood and his devil-like appearance at that time, Xie Dayi didn't dare to think deeply.

But where is his child? When he was born, he met a few times, and before he could remember his appearance, he was replaced.

Xie Mingrui didn't listen to the rest of the words, he went back to his room lightly.

No wonder for so many years, no matter how well his parents treated him, he couldn't get close to them from the bottom of his heart. Originally thought that something happened in his childhood caused him to leave a psychological shadow, but he didn't expect that they were not his biological parents at all.

It turned out that in order to let his own son live a good life, he exchanged the two children.

Xie Mingrui should have been resentful at first, but when he thought about how well they had treated him all these years, he also thought that without this misplaced life, he would never have met that person, and he couldn't bear resentment in his heart.

Forget it, just pretend you don't know, he sighed.

As for his biological parents, he has never met, has no feelings, and does not want to look for them.

Xie Mingrui went back to his room and went to sleep.

He slept neatly on his side, but Lu Xiaogong was extremely busy on his side.

After all, Mumu's spirit was stimulated abnormally, so she had to tell the cheap parents to take Mu Mingjiang in.

Fortunately, Xiao Anmin and Xu Guizhi are reasonable people, after knowing what happened to Mu Mingjiang and his mother, they took them in without saying a word.

Anyway, their house is big enough, so it doesn't matter if there are more people.

Only Mu Mu's illness has some problems.

Several people discussed it and planned to hire a psychiatrist for her. If it didn't work, they hypnotized her.

Let her completely forget about that person, although it is cruel, it is the best for her.

Because it was too late, Mu Mingjiang was arranged to stay with Lu Xiaogong temporarily for one night.

After dealing with the matter of these two people, Xiao Anmin and Xu Guizhi returned to their room, and after washing, they sat on the bed and chatted.

"This child is also pitiful. After meeting such a father, his mother also has bad eyesight and can't recognize people clearly. If I were like me, with piercing eyes, and found a lover like you to accompany me, this kind of thing would not happen Let's go."

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