Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Overbearing President Pretty Assistant

Lu Xiaogong drove a million-dollar luxury car that did not belong to him, and sent the male lead, who only gave him an address and only cared about processing documents since getting in the car, back to his villa.

Along the way, the male protagonist didn't say a word, but Lu Xiaogong, while driving, even peeked at him from time to time. Look away quickly before the other party notices, like a thief.

More than an hour later, Lu Xiaogong stopped the car in front of a villa, turned his head and said to Bai Wanming who was sitting in the co-pilot, "President, we're here."

Bai Wanming looked away from the document and looked at Lu Xiaogong ordered lightly, "You drive the car back and bring over the things you need. From today onwards, you will live with me."

Lu Xiaogong: "..."

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Lu Xiaogong's head was covered, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

Lu Xiaogong quickly called the system in his heart, "System system! Just now the hero seemed to say that I should move in and live with him? Did I get it wrong? Just pinch me to see! I want to see if I am I'm dreaming!"

After hearing the first half of the sentence, the system, which was about to answer the host's question, was speechless when he heard the second half of the sentence, "First of all, the host, you heard it right, the host did let you move in to live with him. Second , the system is not able to reveal the entity in the mission world for the time being, so host your request, forgive me." " Is what you said true?" Lu Xiaogong's expression was very dreamy, and he simply ignored the system's aftermath. Half a sentence, "The male lead really asked me to move here to live with him? Am I dreaming?" " No, host, you are not dreaming. Look out the window of the car. It's still daylight, and you can't go to bed yet." Time." Although he could not understand his stupid host, the system still dutifully replied. "Don't you know that there is a kind of dream called daydream?" Facing Lu Xiaogong's direct question, the system was at a loss for words. Can it say that it really forgot that there are daydreams in the human world? The witty system decided to change the subject, "Host, it's a good thing that the hero asked you to move in and live with him. Why do you look unhappy?"

"Happy? Who said I'm not happy? I'm obviously very happy!" Lu Xiaogong refuted the system's words with a look of displeasure.

"But you..." The system was interrupted by Lu Xiaogong before it finished speaking, "But what about me?" "

But you don't look happy at all!"

"Don't you think the hero is too cooperative?" Lu Xiao Gong was worried, although things had been developing for the better, and the decisions made by the male lead were beneficial to him, but Lu Xiaogong still felt that the male lead was too cooperative.

Cooperating so well that he was terrified.

Of the two of them, who is the attacker and who is the one being attacked!

Why does he feel like the hero is attacking him?

Although Lu Xiaogong felt that he was usually a little sloppy, a little bit sloppy, and a little heartless, but he was not stupid.

It's not that he can't detect everything, and he doesn't know why, Lu Xiaogong always feels that there is something wrong with the male protagonist's eyes looking at him, which makes him feel a little nervous, as if he is being targeted by some large predator, and he will always look at him. He arrests.

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