Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Bai Wanming and the others did not rush back to City S, but found a good hospital in City J and sent Lu Xiaogong there.

After all, he looked really miserable.

There wasn't a good spot on his body, and even that gorgeous and unparalleled face was scratched with small cuts.

When Lu Xiaogong was rescued, Lu Lin immediately notified Lu's father and Lu's mother.

Lu's father and Lu's mother, who were anxiously waiting for the news at home, were relieved when they heard that their youngest son was fine.

Knowing that the youngest son was admitted to the hospital, my unrelenting heart suddenly lifted again.

In the end, Lu's father and Lu's mother slapped their heads and decided to fly to J City to see their youngest son. No matter how much Lu Lin tried to persuade him, he couldn't persuade him.

Lu Xiaogong was sent to the hospital. After the wounds on his body were treated, he relaxed and fell into a deep sleep immediately.

And Bai Wanming has been guarding beside his hospital bed, and the drip hanging on the hanger flows into his body along the infusion tube.

Lu Xiaogong didn't have any major health problems, and the infusion was only the most common glucose to supplement the nutrients his body needed.

When Lu Xiaogong woke up, Bai Wanming was no longer there. Lu's father and Lu's mother occupied both sides of the bed, holding his left and right hands respectively.

Seeing him open his eyes, Lu's mother blinked, "Xiaowei, are you awake?"

Lu Xiaogong also blinked, and moved his two tightly grasped hands, "Well, parents, why are you here?" Here?"

"You brat, do you still have the nerve to ask? You're just running around outside." Lu's father said with a look of anger, "Do you know that your accident will scare your mother to death? Let your mother know next time." Believe it or not, you are worried that I will break your leg?"

"Damn," Mother Lu slapped him across the hospital bed, "Whose leg are you breaking? Are you capable? My son just woke up and you are so aggressive! "

No, my wife, isn't this brat making you worry?" Father Lu is not afraid of anything, but mother Lu is afraid of getting angry.

"That's enough, that's enough!" Mother Lu waved her hand impatiently, "I'm worried that I'd like it, and I won't allow you to murder my son!" "You!"

Father Lu pointed at Mother Lu, his fingers shaking with anger, "You are unreasonable !"

"I'm happy!" Mother Lu choked back bluntly.

"I don't know as much as women!" Father Lu snorted, "A loving mother is a loser." Seeing that Mother Lu rolled

up her sleeves and was about to fight Father Lu, Lu Xiaogong blinked and said, "Mom, I'm thirsty!" "

This sentence successfully eliminated a world war before it started, "Xiao Wei, are you thirsty? Mom will fetch water for you right away." He said hurriedly and walked

out of the ward with a cup.

Only Lu Xiaogong and Lu's father were left in the ward. Lu's father put away the expression on his face and looked at him deeply.

"What's the matter, Dad? Why are you looking at me like that?" Lu Xiaogong was the first to speak, feeling uncomfortable.

Father Lu looked at him and sighed deeply, "Son, you and your brother have grown up, and your mother and I are too, so I can't control you for how long." "

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