Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

This brat! Who can crawl around? This person was covered in blood and smell, and he was a dangerous person at first glance.

Lu Xiaogong was out of breath, "I'll say it again, get down!"

"Oh." Seeing his father getting angry, Lin Yijing bit his mouth and slowly climbed off the man in red.

Seeing that slow movement, Lu Xiaogong could not wait to step forward to help him.

But he was also afraid of angering the man in red, causing him to kill the child.

Lu Xiaogong could only suppress the anxiety in his heart, and the moment the little bun came down from the man in red, he pulled him into his arms and hugged him tightly.

He looked up and down the child in his arms several times, but found nothing amiss, so Lu Xiaogong raised his head and looked at the man in red, "Brother, the dog is naughty, I'm causing you trouble." The man in red was in a trance, and this

time At that time, he hadn't recovered from the impact of that face, and he didn't respond to Lu Xiaogong's words.

That face brought back something he had buried in his heart for a long time, including a hatred he had never forgotten.

The man in red gradually increased his grip on the wine glass, and soon, the small wine glass was overwhelmed and turned into ashes in his hands.


Faber who was standing behind Lu Xiaogong tensed up suddenly, and subconsciously put on an attacking look.

Looking at the white powder scattered on the table, Lu Xiaogong's heart twitched. This person is too...

Dangerous, you must stay away!

Just at this time, a table of guests got up to leave. Seeing this, Lu Xiaogong hurriedly got up with the child in his arms. Before leaving, he did not forget to say, "As an apology, I will treat you to this meal, brother." As soon as Lu Xiaogong left, behind

him Fu Bo, who was holding a knife, and the waiter who came up with them hurriedly followed.

Many people around saw the scene where the man in red crushed the wine glass. They subconsciously looked at each other and quietly moved away from him.

Lu Xiaogong changed a table, because the previous group of guests had just finished eating and left, the table was in a mess.

The store clerk stepped forward to tidy up, "Guest officer, what do you want to eat?"

Lu Xiaogong thought for a while and said, "Give me some of your signature dishes."

"Okay, guest officer, wait a moment ." The shop clerk went downstairs with leftovers in his hand.

"Uncle Fu, sit down."

"Yes, Young Master." Uncle Fu was silent, and Lu Xiaogong asked him to sit and he sat down, but he didn't put down the knife in his arms.

Lu Xiaogong sighed and didn't say anything, he was used to Uncle Fu's appearance.

Lin An, who had placed the carriage and horses, came back soon. He sat next to Lu Xiaogong, and seeing the young master who was tightly hugged in the arms of the young master, he suggested, "Young master, you want Don't let me hug the young master?"

"No need." Lu Xiaogong refused, "Just let him sit by himself."

Lu Xiaogong put Lin Yijing down, and told him, "Jing'er, sit properly and don't run around. "

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