Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Overbearing President Pretty Assistant

Lu Xiaogong drove the male lead's tens of millions of luxury cars, and went back to his home to pack his things like lightning. After he left, Bai Wanming's computer received a piece of information, which was nothing but the information about Lu Wei's identity background that Bai Wanming asked to investigate before.

Bai Wanming opened the file with the mouse, and carefully browsed line by line.

Before opening the file, Bai Wanming did not forget to tell the servants at home to clean up a room for Lu Xiaogong. He specially designated the room next to his bedroom as Lu Xiaogong's room.

Not only Lu Xiaogong understands the principle that the moon is the first to be near the water, but Bai Wanming also understands this truth.

It's just that he never gave up his heart because of anyone before.

Lu Wei's family relationship is simple, apart from his parents, there is only one elder brother, plus him, a family of four.

There are no other strange relatives around. The survey report highlights that the family is of high quality and will regularly contribute to charity. It can be said that the family is a good person.

The young man himself does not have any bad habits. He has studied abroad for several years and has never met any messy people. The important thing is that the young man has always been single and has never had a girlfriend.

This made Bai Wanming very satisfied.

Although he didn't know why the young man didn't have a girlfriend, Bai Wanming was very happy.

He never knew that he was such a possessive person, if the young man really had a girlfriend, or had a girlfriend.

He didn't know if he couldn't help but kill those women who had defiled youth.

While thinking about it, Bai Wanming scanned the information carefully and quickly. He ignored some unimportant things and only looked at what he wanted to know.

Until Bai Wanming finished reading the information, he didn't find anything wrong with the young man.

Lu Wei was very clean, very clean, so clean that Bai Wanming felt a little embarrassed for his dark guess.

But he quickly put the embarrassment behind him, after all, he has been in the shopping mall for a long time these years. I have also seen countless commercial espionage, the most of which are beauty tricks.

And there are quite a few people who fall for beauty, and he doesn't want to be one of them.

Beauty, he wants to have it, but pit...he also doesn't want to step on it.

Although Bai Wanming didn't think that any of his competitors would use a beautiful man to seduce him, he was not afraid of anything but just in case.

It is better to be careful in everything.

Since Lu Wei has nothing to do with his rivals, that would be great.

After all, he didn't want to be wary of the person next to his pillow day and night, it would be too tiring.

Bai Wanming relaxes herself, leans her back on the back of the chair, stares quietly at the mid-air, and lets go of her thoughts.

To say that the only thing that is wrong with Lu Wei is that the other party suddenly went to work in Bai's.

As mentioned in the information above, Lu Wei's only dream in the past was to enter the entertainment industry and be in charge of traffic.

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