Chapter 130

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Chapter 130 After sleeping with the future emperor

That thing seemed to sense the danger, and began to flee desperately towards the heart.

Lu Xiaogong didn't give it a chance, first he used spiritual energy to protect the heart, then blocked the thing's retreat, when it had no escape, he wrapped it with spiritual energy, and slowly moved along the meridians to his right hand.

A burst of cold air rose from Feng Yanming's body, making him miserable, just like the previous toxic attacks. What's different is that after being eroded by the cold air, there was a warm airflow immediately repairing his eroded meridians, making him warm all over and making him want to groan.

But looking at the serious person in front of him, he resisted the urge.

Lu Xiaogong wrapped the lump carefully, and forced it towards Feng Yanming's fingertips. After achieving his goal, he made a decisive decision, and quickly cut a hole in the opponent's fingertips with a sharp knife.

With a sound of "click", the black blood fell to the ground, exposing the tiny bugs in the middle, and the ground became sick instantly.

People who saw this scene showed shocked expressions.

Lu Xiaogong had no time to care about other people's thoughts, the little black worm was wriggling fast, trying to find someone to possess him again, he made a quick decision, picked up a gold needle, injected spiritual energy into it, and threw it at the worm , the terrifying worm was nailed to the ground immediately, and turned into a puddle of water after a while.

After doing all this, Lu Xiaogong's face turned pale.

At the same time, in a courtyard thousands of miles away from Yangzhou City, a woman was talking to a maid beside her when she suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Your Majesty!"


There were several exclamations in the room.

The person who was called Miss suddenly opened her eyes wide, her face full of horror. She didn't care about arousing others' suspicion, and disappeared in place in a flash.

A big living person suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, and the other people in the room were terrified. One of them opened the door quietly and left here with a flash of eyes.


"Are you okay?"

Feng Yanming, who had been staring at Lu Xiaogong, was the first to react. He said the first sentence since he stepped into the medical clinic today. Looking at the pale person in front of him, his whole body My heart is about to break.

Lu Xiaogong shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

It's just that I used too much spiritual power for a while, and it's a bit uncomfortable.

Feng Yanming was slightly relieved,

never thought that this person was actually poisoned by the insidious poison from the cultivation world, if it wasn't for him, the other party would definitely die in a while.

As for the person who played Gu, without making other guesses, who else could it be besides the heroine?

Who let the other party be the heroine with a huge golden finger?

I don't know what kind of enmity this person in front of me has with the hostess, and he is so ruthless.

Lu Xiaogong shook his head in his heart.

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