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Chapter II

The author has something to say: the new article has just begun, two changes a day, please pack and raise ha!

"Could Ms. Churia Damel Wosimok choose the image to use?" The elf Luoluo waved his hand, and many male images appeared in front of Banxia's eyes.

"In the future, call me Banxia." How uncomfortable the name sounded, I finally couldn't resist protesting.

"Yes, Mr. Banxia."

For the elf's upper path, he is still quite satisfied. Looking at the image in front of him, in fact, it is still a variety of changes made by his prototype, but the gender has changed, but this change of gender makes him feel much more pleasing to the eye. Although the beauty is really dazzling, why is it not his great love, not to mention that this is himself?

Choosing to choose or are too dazzling, this is not his style, thinking of playing the net before he couldn't help but try it with his hands, and he can really change it, so the blonde hair becomes black hair, green eyes become black eyes, a blonde handsome young man becomes a little shy and beautiful teenager.

"That's him." Banxia said with a smile.

"Does Mr. Banxia want to use a privilege for the adjustment of the character?" Elf Luoluo said expressionlessly.

"Huh? This requires one of the two privileges you gave me? Banxia said with some flesh pain.

"The End of the World is a carrier of human beings in the present world, and they are not allowed to change their gender and appearance. Now that Mr. Banxia has become a completely different person, no privilege is not allowed. Banxia

sighed and gritted his teeth, although he was distressed, it was just a game, let him play the game against the original appearance, then forget it: "Okay, use a privilege."

As soon as his words fell, the silver light flashed, and the Chulia Damor Vosimok with the appearance of the city turned into the young man with clear eyebrows in front of him, Banxia, saw his new image, and Banxia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please select the mode you entered." Lolo the elf said.

"What are the modes?" Banxia asked again.

"There are five modes in Doomsday: Game Mode, Work Mode, Training Mode, Heavenly Punishment Mode, and Free Mode."

Banxia was a little embarrassed, and he really wanted to ask in detail, but according to the experience of the previous two times, it was better not to ask too much about some things, because this elf girl's temper was not very good. Although it seems that she is a little afraid of herself, but after a long time together, the more times, the more times she looks at her face, how to say that he has no masochism.

Just as he was figuring out his choice according to the literal meaning of the five patterns, the elf girl sent him to hell with a word.

"Given the 'great contribution' of Mr. Banxia's true identity to the galaxy, you only have one mode to choose from."

"What mode?" Banxia couldn't help but ask.

"Heavenly Punishment Mode."

"What is the Heavenly Punishment Mode?"

The elf girl Luoluo looked at Banxia with a very contemptuous look, and when she saw that Banxia seemed to be covered in cold sweat, she withdrew her gaze.

"There are two modes to choose from in terms of the contribution value of each human being who enters the game, the Sky Punishment mode and the free mode, although these two modes can also be superimposed with the first three modes. The various resources required in the game can be reduced in price according to the amount of social contribution value, or even free, of course, the greater the possibility of obtaining rare resources, Mr. Banxia will know when he enters the game.

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