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Chapter 32: A Copy of the Pit Daddy (III)

"Did Boss Li ask you to stay?" After a lot of hard work, I finally found the so-called Xiying Inn, and several people almost glared their eyes out, this is also an inn?

The few huts were dilapidated, and when the wind blew, it felt like they were about to collapse. A signboard that has no color due to the wind and rain, and there is a happy word missing, and what makes them even more embarrassed is the boss's look at them, it seems that his inn is a palace compound, they not only can't afford to live, it seems that they don't even have the qualifications to enter, they don't want to live in this broken house, a few people secretly thought in their hearts.

"Yes, I met Mr. Li outside the city, and we did him a small favor, so he introduced us here, and we were able to enter the city thanks to the road guide he gave?" The only girl I am the big girl, to put it mildly.

"It's a lot for him." The innkeeper with three long beards seemed to be extremely dissatisfied, and glanced at them again, and then very reluctantly let go: "You guys come in." To

be honest, I didn't want to go in for half a summer, because I was really afraid that if they walked louder, the thatched hut would collapse. But then I thought that even if it was really collapsed, it seemed that it could not crush people. Thinking of this, he took the lead and walked in.

"You guys sit here first, I'll ask Xiao Er to clean up your room for you, there are no guests for a few days, so there are a lot of things that need to be sorted out." Want something to eat? However, although you were introduced by Old Man Li, you just don't care about eating, and you need to pay for money to eat. The owner nagged.

In fact, we never thought of free, a few people secretly said, but there is a free cheap advantage who will not refuse, of course politely say thank you.

"We don't have silver, only gold coins, can we?" Banxia replied with a smile.

"Gold coins?" The boss was a little surprised: "Of course, but my shop doesn't have so much change to find, so it's a reward." "There is still Zhengda Guang to reward, which is also a long insight.

"Okay, boss, just pick the best meals in your store." Banxia said with a smile.

After entering the hut, several people felt an indescribable weirdness, not to mention that the inside of the house was more broken than the outside made them feel more unaccustomed. On the contrary, although there are only three tables and chairs in the room, but it is cleaned up, although the room is not large, it does not give people a feeling of occlusion, and there is a faint dark fragrance flowing in the air, which makes several people who originally felt a little tired immediately shocked, this room is not as broken and unbearable as it looks outside.

"It's a little weird here." Yi Qian did not whisper, in fact, he did not say that several people felt it, but his next words surprised everyone: "If I am not mistaken, the air is rosemary."

"What? How could such a precious spiritual healing agent appear here, and it was as if it were sprinkled in the air like a perfume. "My lover doesn't love me exclaimed.

"What is rosemary?" Banxia asked.

"It is a high-grade spiritual healing agent, especially for spiritual cultivators, it is a particularly precious potion." Eighteen Gongzi answered casually.

Banxia touched his forehead, and wanted to ask more, but he also knew that if he asked more carefully, it would definitely attract suspicion. But you can't always be so stiff, maybe you can try to trust them a little, ask a question to explore the way, he must have a clear understanding of the things of the end times, and the sooner he figures, the better, and he can't always drag on like this.

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