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Chapter 104: Reason

All the physical examinations in Yueying City were completed by Banxia himself, so when the final physical examination report was placed on his desk, he actually knew the results for a long time. The fetus is indeed different, but it is a little different from what he imagined, and it is really difficult to make a decision for a while. However, after the moon fell through his explanation, he really recovered the demeanor of the leader of the moonlight city in the past, and the people quickly cultivated, and the two fetuses in the belly were not as troublesome as before, so the mother and son were much healthier.

Banxia's medical skills are indeed very good, whether it is in the game or in reality, this is obvious to everyone. Old man Xia had said before that the reason why his medical skills were a little stronger than others was because he dared to think and do, and never conformed to the rules. Medicine requires a rigorous attitude, because it is related to human life, countless medical cases have also caused many doctors' mind-set, which to a large extent stopped the progress of their medical level, of course, these are the words that the old man once said to Banxia.

The old man pointed out the advantages of Banxia, because he 'live', even if he was a child, even if he was on those very successful medical cases, he had to talk about his unique opinions, brains, daring to think, plus he was indeed smart, so Banxia was a little stronger than others.

But the old man also pointed out a shortcoming in Banxia, and it was a very fatal one. Because he dares to think, he dares to do it, which is originally good, but when it comes to Banxia, it is Cheng Ye Xiao who is defeated and Xiao He.

He is too daring, and in order to experiment with his wild ideas, he often forgets the life of the person in his hands, which means that he has less respect for life. This is also the biggest reason why he has a good medical skill, but the old man has never let him come out to practice medicine, for Banxia, the old man is actually very worried.

He was afraid that Banxia would really go down the evil path for his medical experiments, but he had to admit that what he said was not wrong. His ideas have always been bold and he has always been a supporter of experimentation. He has always said that the mysteries of the human body are endless, and that failure in experiments on animals is not necessarily in the body. Even people who are the same human body but different will have different changes.

But fortunately, Banxia has not really embarked on the evil path that the old man is very worried about, and he is still a very obedient child. Banxia actually knew that the old man was worried about himself, but he laughed it off, and he wasn't really bold enough to joke with his life, nor did he really go crazy to that point.

But at this time, when facing Yueying City and the two fetuses in her womb, Banxia suddenly became unsure. The difference between the two fetuses really made him feel a temptation, and the clamor and excitement from the depths of his blood all stimulated him to take risks. Only then did he feel that the old man's worry was not unreasonable.

This made Banxia frightened, and he couldn't help but think of the legendary doctor who broke the apocalyptic virus that Sixteen had mentioned, and a chill made his scalp cold. It's really something he can do, what a name.

Discovering that true self made Banxia very uneasy, so the person fell silent, looking very depressed and very haggard, which in the eyes of others, but had a different opinion.

Sixteen and Yue Yicheng naturally thought that he was depressed for the fetus, and although they were a little disappointed in their hearts, they both persuaded him not to worry about it to varying degrees, which made Banxia even more uneasy.

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