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Chapter 59: Half a Summer

Banxia was not the only one waiting for Sixteen Gongzi, and there were unexpectedly many people in their line who entered the game. Banxia was relieved to think of the resident population who did not have a headache for a penny. At eighteen, he was not pulled away by a penny, and the siege battle was imminent, and it was no wonder that he was in such a hurry.

However, it is not those people who make Banxia feel sorry in this line, but animals, yes, it is indeed animals. However, the current animal seems to be different from what he knows, and there are several very familiar faces among them, which are people from the Fire Rhinoceros clan. There is the orangutan lord, the fire rhinoceros boss, and a very unexpected little petite, that is, the little fire rhinoceros who personally delivered the baby in Banxia actually followed his grandfather and father, which is a veritable grandfather and grandchild.

"Mom." A shout that made Banxia full of black lines really made him want to cry without tears.

For his own little guy to call another person or a man to call mother, the fire rhino boss head is also quite big, but no matter how he corrects it, the little fire rhinoceros is stubborn and does not change his mouth. The old patriarch orangutan didn't care, and after listening to it, he just smiled slightly.

"Call uncle." Banxia corrected again: "Otherwise, I will ignore you." The

little fire rhinoceros looked at Banxia with grievances, seeing that it was such a cute and dead expression, which made Banxia compromise again and again.

Because the fire rhinoceros BOSS Mrs. was infected with the apocalyptic virus, the little fire rhinoceros did not feed her as soon as she was born, naturally she was afraid of the child infection, so in the impression of the little fire rhinoceros, the word mother was completely replaced by the midwife of the half summer, after all, the first thing he saw when he came to the world was the human being, and what he remembered was the breath of the half summer.

If you don't call your uncle your father, why do you have to call your mother, Banxia muttered in his heart, he didn't expect that people's fathers were watching from the side. Once again defeated by the big aggrieved eyes, Banxia sighed and touched the big head of the little fire rhinoceros: "Forget it, you can call it whatever you like, whatever you want."

As soon as he heard Banxia's response, the big eyes of the little fire rhinoceros immediately narrowed with joy, and Banxia admired himself incomparably in his heart, thinking that he could feel his joy, anger and sorrow from the eyes of a little rhinoceros, it was too difficult, and I was afraid that no one would believe it.

"Do you say that your body is sick in reality?" After going online, Sixteen, who was busy for a few days, poured out time to be alone with Banxia.

"Fire is out and playing, okay? I have something to talk about with your sixteenth uncle. "Huohuo is the name of the little rhinoceros, Banxia has something to ask sixteen, although he is still too young, but Banxia is afraid that he will listen back and talk nonsense, this little doll is very smart.

Huo Huo nodded very obediently: "I'll come back to my mother to play later." Leaving a sentence that made Banxia want to cry without tears, he walked away slowly.

"Lord Apuki is here to help you defend the city?" Banxia asked.

"Sort of, mutually beneficial." Sixteen said lightly.

Banxia also understands that after all, everyone can see the big sign of the countdown to the end of the world, and the fire rhinoceros family enters the game with the body, and death will not be resurrected like the player, so it is relatively safe to stay in the city of the end times.

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