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Chapter XVI

"What's wrong?" The eighteenth prince looked a little strange at Banxia's appearance, and couldn't help but ask.

"These ——。" He pointed to the grove not far away and seemed very excited, so excited that he couldn't even speak.

"You mean those mutated mushrooms and turnips? They all grow naturally here, and they are indeed different from what we usually eat, so although the Galactic Alliance vegetables are in short supply, we still dare not eat these mutated plants without an official license. The eighteenth prince explained softly, appearing very calm, Xu was used to it. The people who came to the Medicine King Valley for the first time were not surprised by it, but it is a pity that for the mutated vegetable plants, the Galactic Alliance does not advocate eating.

"Mushrooms and turnips?" Banxia was almost choked by his own saliva, could he use this to laugh at the loneliness and shallowness of knowledge of the eighteenth prince and others?

He looked at the eighteenth prince with a wry smile, and the eighteenth prince also stared at him, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared because of the strange appearance of Banxia: "Don't tell me that this is not a vegetable but a medicine." The

eighteenth prince was not calm, he did not forget that there were these mutated plants everywhere, but unfortunately, after it was finally determined that it could not be eaten, they did not know how much they destroyed for the sake of city construction, thinking of this, the eighteenth prince seemed to be trembling in his legs and stomach.

"Where did you go?" Banxia was also stimulated by his words, and if it was really the medicinal herb he imagined, then he had the urge to faint.

"Xia Xia, that radish is a bit like the name you gave me?" The ginseng doll suddenly shouted.

"Ginseng?" Several people exclaimed in unison, they may not know what ginseng looks like, but the name has been heard.

"How is it possible, this is completely different from the ginseng on the ancient map, which is completely the same as our edible radish." The eighteenth prince cut to the chase, and did not know whether he was convincing others or himself.

Banxia slowly paced over, and under the gaze of Eighteen Gongzi and the others, he took out the small hoe he used to pick medicinal herbs. Banxia picked a very large excavation, it is indeed very large, if it is really a radish, the pulled radish must have ten pounds.

"I'll help you." Ma Shan was ridden by me.

"No, I'll do it myself." Banxia refused to help. If it is really ginseng, how big is the root whiskers of such a plant, and accidentally breaking a little of its whiskers will have to hurt him for half a day. After digging for a while, he stopped to look at the part that had been unearthed, and he had the answer in his heart, but it still needed to be verified, because such a large ginseng was really unheard of, even fantasy novels could not appear such a large ginseng, so it was normal for him to suspect that his vision was wrong. Stopped. Looking back at the eighteenth prince: "Did you pull it out?"

"There should be, I'll let them look for it." The eighteenth prince said busily.

Renshan was deceived by me and Ma Shan was ridden by me to no avail, and ran away without a shadow.

"Banxia, will you give me a thorough understanding first? Let me be prepared. Eighteen Gongzi said with a wry smile.

Banxia also shook his head, in fact, the shock in his heart was not inferior to the eighteenth prince, but the two were shocked in different directions: "I can be sure that this is definitely not a turnip." He thought for a while, then suddenly turned around and asked the ginseng doll: "Doll, what are the mutant plants you are talking about?"

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