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Chapter 80: The End Times in the Game

When Banxia turned around and wanted to ask the bearded fallen into heaven, what exactly they had done to cause such a catastrophe, only to realize that the person had disappeared.

"He's gone." Sixteen glanced at him and said lightly.

Banxia smiled bitterly, now in this situation, where can people go, commit suicide and leave the apocalyptic city, and go to another place to resurrect? I'm afraid it won't be that simple.

Sixteen took Banxia and soon arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, which was the command center of the city battle, and looking at the people inside, Banxia found that except for the upper floors of the Moonlight Lanting Pavilion, the others were really gone.

"All withdrawn, now there are only more than ten of us left, and there are still five minutes before the end of the city battle." Eighteen seemed to see Banxia's doubts and busily explained for him.

"Where did they all go?" Banxia couldn't help but ask.

"Xanadu there." Eighteen replied simply, and looked at Sixteen: "The information transmitted back from the major cities seems to have been affected, but it is really difficult to say what will happen." Sixteen

groaned for a long time, then looked at Banxia, half-summer smiled bitterly, and explained his previous sentence: "It's just the sixth sense, I think it's better to make some preparations in case the worst happens." I don't know exactly what they did in the Fallen Heaven, but judging by the current situation, they must have caused greater changes in the Snowy Plateau, and I think the current situation is definitely beyond their control, if you can contact them, it is better to ask. He

paused for a moment and seemed to think for a while: "If the city battle is over, if the end of the world really opens, I think the system should issue an announcement." A

few people, you look at me and I look at you, although Banxia said a little vaguely, but the meaning of the words they still understood, it was still early before the last system announced the arrival of the end of the world, they have not yet seriously searched for the treasure of Chulia Damel Vosimok, this end time has arrived?

"Contact Dragon Gate." Sixteen to eighteen.

"Already contacted, not contacted, not only him, but none of the fallen heavenly people can be contacted." Eighteen sighed.

"I think this time the system will definitely fulfill his previous dream."

"What?" Several people looked at him in unison.

"Becoming a member of the ** alliance and causing such a big disaster, the punishment should not be too small." Banxia seemed to be joking.

Everyone was crying and laughing, when was it, this person still had kung fu to joke.

"Did the water not engulf the Miracle Forest?" Banxia suddenly asked again.

"No, the Miracle Forest seems to have a layer of enchantment, which naturally bounced the flood away, so that the city of the end times has now become an underwater city." Eighteen smiled bitterly, no one expected such a result, now what did they do to the dragon gate, everyone was very curious, this is to destroy the entire snowy plateau?

For a while, everyone fell silent, waiting for the end of the city battle to see what kind of answer the system would give.

Banxia looked at the monitoring on the wall in a daze, and the two sides of the Miracle Forest gave a big picture, the water seemed to be invisibly obstructed, rushing away close to the side, and Banxia was stunned.

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