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Chapter 77: Siege Warfare (III)

Just when Banxia was entangled in his spiritual power and ignored the development of the entire battlefield, the others were suddenly torn back more than ten meters away by a huge pulling force, and before he could react, a piercing lightning bolt accompanied by a huge explosion struck directly at the place where he was standing just now.

For a while, a cold sweat was like rain, much sharper than his reaction and action ability.

"What are you in a daze?" The bearded man said angrily: "This is on the battlefield, not a joke." Banxia

swallowed, and before he could answer, a burst of lightning and thunderbolts slashed down, not only at them, but completely to clean up the defenders of the city.

"Conduct their own defense, look for sneaking hostile personnel, and report the situation in time." The person in charge of the battle shouted again. Unfortunately, his voice did not fall, and a bolt of lightning directly slashed him back to his hometown.

"It's a bit serious." The bearded man said to Banxia: "It is a bit unreasonable to have electric powers, and even stealth game skills."

"How is it perverse?" Banxia touched a cold sweat and asked in a low voice, at this time, he finally had a little consciousness of city battle, but how to do this is really the same, there is no feeling of the slightest game. If he didn't die and be resurrected, he really had the idea of retreating.

"The rules of the game, you can't use any skills after stealth, even in reality, but now you know that a lightning powerhouse is using stealth skills to wreak havoc?" The bearded man frowned.

"The power can't be fake, but can't stealth be replaced by other skills?" Banxia said disapprovingly.

His words did not fall, a bolt of lightning struck straight at the place where the two were hiding, and the two fled in embarrassment, the beard was a little better, but Banxia turned into a gray face, and almost hung up.

Banxia is angry, don't think about you as a bully, Banxia thought through gritted teeth.

As soon as the spiritual power was opened, the hidden supernatural immediately appeared clearly and clearly in front of Banxia's eyes. There was not just one, but three people, but it seemed that there was only one, and the other two followed closely behind the attackers, strange, what were they doing?

Banxia was very puzzled in his heart, the two people behind him were very strange, not like they were indifferent, Banxia's heart moved, maybe it was really not the stalker in the bearded mouth, but the skill of one of these two people is the ability to be invisible, so what does the other person do?

If you only probe the breath of three people, it is absolutely impossible to find, although the electric energy rumbling non-stop, but there is still no trace of energy fluctuations, the other is the hidden breath of the energy? That's quite an interesting combination.

"What's wrong, did you find out?" The bearded man glanced at it occasionally, but when he saw Banxia's thoughtful face, his heart moved.

Banxia smiled and was just about to answer, but when he looked up, he saw that eighteen appeared on the city wall, and it was unbiasedly located at the center of the attack of the three people.

He didn't have time to do anything more, so he could only shout: "Eighteen, be careful behind you."

At the same time as shouting, the spirit was synchronized, and an electrocuted rubber wall was automatically simulated, directly bouncing back the lightning that split towards Eighteen. Fortunately, the three of them changed places again after each attack, so that they did not let their attacks destroy themselves.

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