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Chapter 95: The Truth Behind the Joke

These things may not be known to Longmen and others, so after listening to Zuo Zongxuan's words, several people were a little stunned.

It's just that Zuo Zongxuan doesn't seem to want to respond to this question: "Although the things in this were all put in by my hands, they were no longer responsible for me later." Even if the taboo here I have only heard the puppet mention it, so I can only bring you here, and I don't know about it. Zuo Zongxuan said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

This potential means that from now on they can only rely on themselves, Longmen and others are slightly startled, but they have not done too much entanglement, after all, it is much easier to do after determining the specific address, and with their strength, this confidence is still there.

"What do you mean by joke?" Banxia was still interested in this question, as if it was important to him, and vowed to ask the truth.

Zuo Zongxuan's brows frowned, glanced at him, hesitated for a long time, and still spoke: "The reason why I want to put the property here is because the alliance pursued us to an unprecedented level during that time. We change our residences every day, but we still leak our addresses, knowing that there are spies around us, but the leader does not care. At that time, the people who followed her were all cultivated by her, and they were all the people she believed in the most, but there were still traitors among these people, so the leader was very disappointed in us.

"It was at this time that she proposed to put the property obtained over the years in a safe place, ignoring the crisis hidden around her, and also rejected everyone's opposition at that time, because at that time the traitor had not yet been caught, so at this time, the treasure was hidden and leaked 100 percent."

A deep sadness suddenly rose on Zuo Zongxuan's face, as if he was remembering the past that had disappeared forever. I knew that after many years, the Yiren had passed away, but I don't know why the figure who had smiled at them was so blurry. And today he personally brought people to grab everything that belonged to her, and the secret that the once unknown traitor did not leak was let him personally leak it today.

His eyes slowly turned red, his expression gradually became fierce, and his gaze towards Banxia was even more ferocious: "You know what? We used to think that the person who inherits the will of the leader is you, so those people in the Snow Land will help you so much, but unfortunately you really disappointed us and came together with the person we hate the most. Mo 16, we can't kill him in one day, just one year, not one year, just ten years, ten years no, just a hundred years, one day, this revenge will definitely be repaid. He was as cold as ice, as fierce as a falcon, and his gaze seemed to be tearing the half summer apart.

Banxia sighed softly, this hatred and hatred, the helplessness of sixteen knots, he was even more inexplicable.

"Chulia Damor Wosimok hid things here seems to have only deep meaning." Banxia lightly diverted his attention, and anyone who let people look at their scalp with such a blind gaze would also feel numb.

Zuo Zongxuan's irritable mood slowly calmed down, but it was gradually replaced by wordless sadness, and he had a headache in the middle of the summer. It's just that the next moment, the words that came out of his mouth were slightly shocked.

"This is not my treasure alone, but something we all share. Just as the ** alliance is not just mine, we come together for a common goal, so even if I die, you must stick to your own direction.

At that time, they were so passionate that they gathered because of her, boiled for her, and did not listen carefully to what she had to say, because they firmly believed that she would always be there and would always be by their side. Or they didn't even realize that her influence on them would be so great, so that after she disappeared, it was torn apart by the tide like fine sand on the beach.

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