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Chapter 56: Disappearance

Banxia I don't know how long I slept, and although people were less tired after waking up, they still felt a little groggy and uncomfortable. This seems to be from the real body problem, he thought about it, this time online time is indeed a little long, it is better to go offline to see, not to mention that now their online games are too long, the family will also worry.

"Doll." He got up and shouted twice, but after shouting for a long time, no one answered him, and went out again? It seems that even knowing the location of the treasure does not mean that he has found the treasure, and now he admires Chulia Damor Vosimok even more.

Just when he wanted to go offline, the system suddenly gave a prompt: "The player has been on a special map for half a summer, so he can't go offline." You can force the offline to go offline, but you will not be able to enter the special map the next time you go online. Banxia

immediately gave up, and he absolutely couldn't go out until he figured out where this place was and whether he could come in again. Not to mention that this is the location of the treasure of Chulia Damor Wosimok, even these very rare herbs here are enough to form the reason for his stay.

Even if you can't go offline, the more people sleep, it's better to go out and walk. In the past few days, I have been addicted to refining medicine, and I haven't looked for the true location of the treasure, so it's better to take this opportunity to walk around.

Thinking of it, he took action, walked out of the tent set up by the three, and the sun poured warmly on the skin, making the body of Banxia Shen immediately filled with a warmth, and the person also saved a lot, and couldn't help but moan comfortably.

Their tent was set up on a green grass field near the river, and Banxia looked around, but did not find any trace of ginseng dolls and Duoduo, thinking that they might have gone far, so they did not pay attention to it, and the people approached the river to wash their faces and sober themselves up.

The river water was very cold, so that his heavy mind woke up, and the water entered his mouth between washing his face, and the tip of his tongue immediately felt a sweet breath. Banxia's eyes, which had been watching around, instantly retracted and began to pay attention to this small river.

This water is not undrunk, once set up camp here, Duoduo and ginseng dolls first checked this water, you can drink. But what I drank before did not have this sweet breath, but after looking at it for a long time, I didn't notice anything wrong.

I couldn't help but take another sip, and the water turned out to be sweet, which surprised Banxia. Regardless of three seven twenty-one, he first took out a few bottles from the package, filled a few bottles of water and put them back, he had a feeling that this water should be able to help him solve a big problem.

With interest, the dizzy seems not so powerful, Banxia walked along the river and tasted, forgetting the time for a while, and the sweet breath in the water is getting stronger and stronger, this sweetness makes Banxia more and more familiar, but finally feel that there is a layer of fog, so that the name on his lips can never be said.

When his legs were numb and he couldn't take a step anymore, Banxia finally stood up and looked around, only to realize that he seemed to be walking a little deeper, and the surrounding scenery was a little changed, although it was still lush with flowers and trees, but Banxia had an indescribable sense of discord.

He frowned, if he remembered correctly, Duoduo and the ginseng doll were a treasure hunting place along the river on the first day, although they had not heard that they found the source of the river, but it was true that there was no problem with this trip. If there is a problem, they can't not mention it at all, but now such an obvious change, why didn't the two pay attention to it?

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