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Chapter 88: for tat

Although it was confirmed that it was not Sixteen's ghost, I don't know if it was because Eighteen's previous strange appearance made people misunderstand, and Sixteen was finally summoned by the Supreme Council of the Galactic Alliance.

Sixteen could have ignored it, the relationship between him and the Galactic Alliance had always been flat, like two enemies facing each other, who looked at each other unfavorably, but because of their equal strength, they had to reach an agreement to maintain a temporary peace on the surface. If it were not for the mediation of eighteen in the center, the relationship between the two sides would probably be even more unconciled.

However, in order to get more inside information, Sixteen gave them a face and followed Eighteen to the Supreme Council.

This so-called 'summons' has gone through sixteen times, one for his sudden rise, and the alliance intends to recruit it, which is naturally rejected by him. Once of course, it was what happened after he forced Qiulia Damor Wosimok to death, and the attitude of both sides must not be too good. So two times, two times, both sides broke up unhappily.

Sixteen, the party, did not take it to heart, but eighteen, the person in the middle, had a terrible headache for this.

"Brother, I beg you, can you bear with me? It doesn't hurt you. On the way to the Supreme Council, Eighteen bitterly persuaded. Only at this time, he will call Brother Sixteen, usually shouting Sixteen, but Sixteen naturally does not care.

"You're worried a lot." Sixteen said indifferently: "But if it weren't for you this time, I don't think I would have used it here yet." The

tone did not mean mockery, plain as if it just said a fact, but this word had a sarcastic meaning in the ears of others, which made Eighteen's face couldn't help but blush, not to mention that Sixteen was not wrong.

"I see, am I wrong? Don't worry, as long as you don't talk nonsense, I'll help you deal with those old guys. What's more, this time, the six masters have arrived because they have discussed countermeasures, so naturally they will not let you be bullied by them. The

six great families are in the same spirit, and they have always huddled with the outside world, naturally they will not watch those old guys in the alliance council bully sixteen.

"Are you sure you're talking about me?" Sixteen looked at Eighteen with a smile.

Eighteen one choke, how did he forget that the relationship between Sixteen and the six great families is not good, even if the relationship between the Mo family is weak, he almost became a stranger, which is the biggest reason why Sixteen did not live in the earth family for a long time.

Eighteen sighed secretly, in fact, he found out a long time ago, sixteen is simply a thorn, and the relationship with anyone is very bad, if he is not accustomed to sixteen's temper, he is afraid that he has already retreated from it, but I don't know how sixteen is still like a nobody, it seems that he has not paid attention to the slightest, and naturally he will not worry.

Soon the two entered the council hall, and the appearance of Sixteen immediately quieted the originally noisy scene. There were not many people, but everyone's eyes fell on him, and their expressions were different.

Sixteen ignored the gaze that fell on him, and the person slowly walked to the other end of the table, naturally distancing himself from these people. Eighteen only felt that the green tendons on his head jumped and jumped, and he almost wore his mouth along the way, and was directly regarded as the wind in his ears by this person.

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