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Chapter 74: Advanced (2)

There are not many people who see the invisible vortex in the sky, and few know what is happening, and Sixteen is definitely the first to notice the abnormality.

At first, he naturally did not know that this was caused by Banxia, nor did he think that it was a huge change caused by a spiritual cultivator. Now that the offensive and defensive forces have ceased to be violently striking, all the natural unnatural energy in the sky above the Apocalyptic City seems to be pulled by something, joining the spiral-shaped whirlpool, and the only thing that can be seen by the few people is this scene.

Sixteen was also very suspicious, but did not find anything unusual, such a big energy riot is really unimaginable, how did it cause it? It really doesn't look like the handiwork of the siege side. In the end, Sixteen, who couldn't help it, finally opened his heavenly pupils, and only then saw the truth hidden under the surface.

The huge energy that fused in the depths of the vortex shot directly at the western city wall with a transparent pillar of light invisible to the naked eye, which was completely like a spiritual cultivator absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, which made him feel shocked beyond words.

What rank of spiritual cultivator would trigger such a big reaction, this person seemed to be a little stronger than the orangutan. But what made him even more shocked was that the man seemed to be able to absorb even the purple spiritual power in the sky above the Last World, which was absolutely impossible, even the strength of the orangutan could not reach this point.

That purple qi layer, what Banxia thought at the beginning, it definitely represented the emperor of this world, and legend said that it was the closest kind of aura to chaos. After the construction of the Apocalyptic City was completed, the purple qi was drawn east, and the purple gas cloud above the Apocalyptic City was achieved, which surprised Sixteen for a long time and did not find the reason, and later could only be attributed to the vague reason of the Miracle Forest.

He had tried to cultivate in the purple qi cloud, but it was very difficult to attract these purple spiritual powers into his body, because the pure power they contained was too huge for ordinary people to bear, and even if he absorbed them, they were very slow.

And now there is such a person who sucks purple qi as ordinary energy, so this caused Sixteen's horror, when did the alliance have such a master.

It's just that sixteen this check, but the investigation almost made him vomit blood directly, didn't he send people away? How did it come back? Although the person has changed his appearance, who is Sixteen, Banxia really became a woman, he can also recognize it at first glance.

This was followed by a rushing anger, but before it could be released, it was replaced by deep fear. If you don't guide it again, you will explode and die in the next moment.

It's just that he definitely doesn't understand it deeply, and he was a little anxious at sixteen o'clock, and when he saw Banxia's increasingly red face, his heart was even more anxious in an instant. Seeing Banxia's eyebrows jumping, he must have noticed that something was wrong and panicked.

"Calm and concentrated." Just as he felt that he couldn't stand it, Banxia suddenly had such a voice in his mind, it was no one else, it was sixteen, but how could sixteen's voice suddenly appear in his mind?

But there was really not so much time for him to think about things, so he quickly fixed his mind according to Sixteen's words at the first time, in fact, as soon as Sixteen's voice appeared, his heart had settled, but he didn't find it.

"Speed up the energy in your body."

Also speed up? The faster he absorbs, the more energy he absorbs, and his endurance has reached the limit. It's just that this is sixteen's order, and without any hurry to think about it, it has already been carried out according to his command. The speed is getting faster and faster, if it is compared to driving in reality, I am afraid that it has reached the maximum speed that the car body can withstand, and it is in danger of losing control.

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