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Chapter 76: Siege Warfare (II)

"No, step back a hundred meters." Ouyang, who commanded the attack, shouted. When did the Moonlight Lanting become a high-level spiritual cultivator again? This is definitely not an attack by an orangutan, he and Mr. Hanshe are now in prison for Sixteen and Enron above the City of the End World, they cannot and do not disdain to participate in this ordinary siege battle.

It's just like a nightmare, no matter if they retreat a few hundred meters, countless fireballs can still fall directly on them from different angles. They let the mage use water to extinguish the fire, but the birds are afraid of fire, not to mention such a dense flock of birds, even if they are not afraid of the fire being so troubled, they are also hit like a headless fly, so that the people on the back cannot stand at all.

"Let a few high-level superpowers lock people and destroy them for me." Ouyang was blown out of anger by the fire.

"Can't lock it." A supernatural with breath tracking directly shook his head: "There are no fluctuations in any spiritual attacks.

"How is this possible?" Ouyang said angrily.

No matter how much you don't believe this, it's true: "If you go straight down with me, I won't believe I can't find that person."

"Ouyang, don't be impulsive." Shangguan directly denied his order from the communication channel: "You bring someone back first."

"Let them go back, I'll go down and find out myself, you can rest assured of that skill of mine." Ouyang Dao.

Shangguan thought that Ouyang had a transformation skill, and although there was only an hour time limit, this hour was enough for him to transform into anyone without being detected.

"Be careful, safety first." Shangguan thought about it and accepted his suggestion, it was really that high-level spiritual ability was too tricky. The rumors are right, the spiritual cultivators are indeed some very troublesome masters, and the attacks from them are simply unpreventable, but it is really the first time that people can't find any traces of spiritual fluctuations.

It's just that the two of them think very well, but they are a little troublesome to do, because the other party does not give Ouyang a chance to dive at all, just like they are followed by an eye, no matter how Ouyang hides, the fireball can directly attack him from an extremely strange corner. Ouyang was attacked for a while, like a headless fly, extremely irritable and angry.

"Your identity is exposed, the attacker definitely knows you, come back first." Shangguan frowned and analyzed.

It's just that it's not so easy to retreat at this time, and in the blink of an eye of Ouyang's negligence, a fireball hit the smoke where he was hiding with incomparable accuracy, and he didn't give him the slightest chance to struggle, and directly sent him back to his hometown.

The personnel who died in the siege battle would be directly resurrected in each station, so when Ouyang appeared in front of Shangguan, the two people looked at each other with a feeling of disbelief.

"Are you dead?" Shangguan asked in surprise.

"Nonsense." Ouyang finally came to his senses, and the first action after waking up was to rush out, if he didn't catch the person who killed him, he wouldn't be surnamed Ouyang, he forgot that he was actually really inferior to Ouyang.

"What do you do?" Shangguan grabbed him: "You are too impulsive." Ouyang

was so angry that his face turned red, and he really died before he was born: "This person can't carry out our plan without finding out." He said furiously.

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