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Chapter 45: Preparation
When Banxia appeared in front of everyone like a nobody, everyone stopped the movements in their hands and looked at him with strange and terrifying eyes. This made Banxia couldn't help but shiver, if he was not 100% sure that this was his relative, he would be afraid that they would not dissect him as a monster for study.

"Look at what, didn't you see such a handsome guy?" He roared back boldly.

"I think I'm much more handsome than you, but I'm just not as evil as you." It was Xia Curly Bai who spoke, of course, it was a joke, but it spoke the hearts of everyone present.

"Xia Xia, do you know how high your body temperature is?" The old man couldn't help but ask.

"Actually, I know everything you have done about me, but at that time the consciousness and the body seemed to be separated, so that you could not feel that I was actually awake." Half summer calmly added fuel to the fire, don't you think it's strange, then give you something even more strange.

Sure enough, everyone, including the old man's face, is a little blue, they are materialists, so they are more inclined to rational scientific interpretation of the world, everyone comforts themselves like this, but how to explain these things that happened to Banxia, they use a materialist world view to explain it.

"Hey, if you have something to say, don't be so weird?" This time, when it comes to Banxia, he is not calm, not that he admits defeat, but that these people's eyes are too frightening, making people feel creepy.

Xia Xia burst out laughing, and he knew that with Banxia's patience, he was the one who surrendered first.

"Little ghost, such a fun thing, you are thick and thin, tell the old man to arrive, Xia Qiubai's little ghost knows about it, but he wants to hide it from us, and it is natural that he despises us." The atmosphere is strange for such a long time, and everyone is jealous of the same interests.

Banxia couldn't laugh and gave them a roll of his eyes: "I want to tell you that you have to find someone too."

Everyone was choked, Banxia was really right, recently everyone has been busy with fart and urine, and they can't wait to use one day as two days, and even the weekend family gatherings are not many people come back to participate. Now they go to school, go to work, and there are really only three of their grandchildren left at home. Thinking about this, everyone's hearts seemed to feel even more indignant. The elders who go to work can still be lighter, and the few who should have gone to school together are now able to eat people when they look at Banxia and Xia Curly Cypress.

Everyone is busy together, this situation is really rare, they are all doctors, busy is naturally because there are more patients, and then related to what happened to Banxia, so that several people in the Xia family have a new understanding of the last days.

"It won't really be the end of the day, that's why so many diseases break out together." Cousin Xia Yuanzhi, who was a year younger than Banxia, wiped his chin and said deeply.

"Snap" Xia Baishu, the third elder of the Xia family, that is, Xia Yuanzhi's father, slapped his head fiercely.

"Dad, why did you beat me, the end is half summer, what Curly Bai said, how can I not talk about me being beaten." He wanted to cry without tears, and said with serious dissatisfaction.

Several juniors present made a disdainful look to him, not only did he not care, but he came to Banxia's side, looking like Xia Zhuobai heard this and reacted: "Xia Xia, such a fun thing, how can you tell me, even if I am not there, you have to call me, it's really not enough buddy." Xia

Yuanzhi is a senior in high school this year, because he is too noisy, he was forced to live in the school by Xia Baishu, which is private with a bit of closed teaching, so he can only go home once a month. The relationship between several juniors of the Xia family is still relatively good, so seeing that Banxia and Xia Curly Bai can play at home for almost half a year, they are envious to death.

"Didn't that tell you?" Banxia chuckled, "Actually, tell you that you can't play, it's better not to tell you than to make your heart itch, right?"

This triumphant look is really inadequate, and everyone has indeed put it into action. Before he finished speaking, several people rushed up, a good beating, and beat Banxia so that his nose was blue and his face was swollen and he couldn't see people
only one who didn't move was Banxia's lobby brother Xia Duzhong, he was the eldest of the younger generation, and he was much more temperamental than those who were smaller. At this time, he was still sitting there lightly, looking personable, elegant and elegant, and a vivid portrayal of a model.

"Grandpa, what should I do about this?" At the party, Xia Duzhong always spoke very little, but when he opened his mouth, even the old man would respect a little.

In fact, Xia Duzhong has no blood relationship with the Xia family, and he is the child brought by the second lady of the Xia family when she married in.

Not to mention his origins, but he is really smart. There are many smart people in the Xia family, and if they are not smart, they can't enter the door of the Xia family, but they are so smart that the Xia family can't help but fool themselves into making everyone forget that he actually has nothing to do with the Xia family, but he is definitely the first in history.

Banxia is also very smart, there are really few people who have won his eyes since childhood, but Xia Duzhong is definitely one of them and at the top of the list, this person is the first person who can be described by the word perfect in his impression.

He was only three or four years old when he entered the Xia family, so he had been studying medicine with the Xia family, and his medical skills were self-proficient. If it's just that, then it's just that, what really makes Banxia admire is the decathlon, and many times he doubts whether there are still things in this world that he doesn't know or won't do. Therefore, the brother with such a genius aura exists, and in the middle of the summer, they only have to eat cheating.

When he was young and ignorant, he said that he was not a child of the Xia family because of jealousy, and because of this, several children of the Xia family who grew up and understood had a sense of guilt about him, even Banxia was the same, which also led to the fact that several people in Banxia had more than enough respect for this lobby brother's feelings and were not intimate enough. In addition, Xia Duzhong is five or six years older than them, so although he is a child of the same generation, he exists as an elder.

Now even he asked such serious words, so everyone stopped the movement in their hands and looked at the old man in unison.

Although it was not long before Banxia Mingyan was left, the old man was indifferent on the surface, but he was always thinking about the truth of this matter.

"You are close to the Wei family, have you heard any news recently?" The old man asked Xia Duzhong.

Xia Duzhong is now studying for a Ph.D., and he has participated in a military scientific research with his mentor, so he is very close to Wei Dongyu, the eldest grandson of the Wei family. Although Wei Dongyu is not old, he is very famous in the military, he does not borrow the name of the Wei family, only relies on his own strength, and is now two bars and one star.

Xia Duzhong was silent for a moment, thinking of the experiment he was doing now, but he had signed a confidentiality agreement, so even his family couldn't say, so he had to shake his head.

The old man was also silent for a long time: "What we can do is very small, Xia Xia, what is your opinion?"

Banxia looked at his grandfather, and then at Xia Duzhong: "As long as you don't take me as a guinea pig, it doesn't matter."

The old man sighed, he was also worried about this matter: "Take your box with glasses to Du Zhong and let him bring it to Wei Dongyu." Then he turned his head to look at Xia Duzhong: "What to say, you know?"

"I know Grandpa." Xia Duzhong nodded.

"After eating, you will do this as soon as possible."


The atmosphere at the dinner table was a little dignified, and after eating two bites in Banxia, he felt that he had no appetite and put down the chopsticks in his hand: "Grandpa, do you believe this?"

The old man was silent, he naturally didn't want to believe it, but looking at Banxia, he couldn't say a word of disbelief.

Because of the game thing, everyone seems to have forgotten the discomfort of Banxia. Seventy degrees of body temperature, how is this possible? If someone had told them before, they would not have believed it, but now people stand alive before their eyes, so that they do not believe, thereforeThere is nothing wrong with this world being weird.

The Wei family is the high-level of the government, and Wei Dongyu is the successor of the Wei family, so all they can do is that, no matter how much they want to do, they can't do it. They can't be blamed for being selfish, now they just want to tell others that the end times will come at a certain time and month of a certain year, month, and day, and they are afraid that they will also be sent to a psychiatric hospital as a neurological disease.

"Xia Xia, you have been playing more games recently, you still need to know more about the end times." The old man personally gave the order.

This made Banxia's hand stiff, but he quickly covered his expression and said in a low voice: "Yes."

"Go now, go now, let's see what it's like for you to enter the game." A few juniors rushed up, pulling up half a summer and wanting to leave.

"Hey, I haven't eaten yet?" Banxia shouted.

"What to eat, a meal without eating and starving." Natsu Uzumaki choked.

"It's a meal to eat more, and in the last days we can't eat if we want to." Half summer screamed.

A few small ones ignored his words, but the elders stopped moving in their hands because of his words.

The old man sighed, these children, I am afraid that even Banxia himself does not believe that the end will really come, so in their cognition, it is just a game.

"Go and say something to Wei Dongyu, our Xia family can also help." The old man sighed and said to Xia Duzhong.

Xia Duzhong's eyes lit up, but such a calm person was also excited by the old man's words.

In fact, at the beginning of the experiment, I thought about finding the old man, but the old man was the most impatient to get involved with the government, and he had a good relationship with the old man of the Wei family, that is because the old man of the Wei family never mentioned these trivial matters in front of him, so in the end he replaced the old man into the scientific research group. No matter how arrogant Xia Duzhong was, he didn't dare to say that he could beat the old man.

What's more, what problems he usually encounters, he will break down into countless small problems, and come back from time to time to ask the old man. The old man must also know these tricks of his in his heart, but he will still do his best to help him solve them every time, but he does not mention where these problems come from and where they will be used. And now the old man is offering to take the initiative to help, and their experiment has just reached the bottleneck, so if the old man joins, there will definitely be a new breakthrough.

"Grandpa, I'll go find him now." Xia Duzhong got up impatiently and left.

The old man seemed to know the priority of the matter and nodded.

After Xia Duzhong left, Xia Baisu said to the old man in a deep voice: "Dad, do you really believe what Banxia said?"

"It's been a lot of trouble lately." Old man Xia frowned and said, "Actually, I have some vague understanding of Du Zhong's current subject research, although the things he came back to ask for advice are very fragmentary, but people live for a long time, they will naturally learn more things, so I can't help but believe it."

"What did Xia Xia call the apocalyptic virus?" are not stupid people, so the old man's very implicit words made them think a lot, but is this too early?

"What do we do next?" Xia Baishu asked a sentence that everyone wanted to ask.

"What to do?" The old man smiled, knowing that he could have made more preparations earlier, but who knows what will happen in the future? In the last days, even if they have more preparations, they are afraid that they will have to rely on luck to survive.

"Go for whatever you want, just if you haven't heard of it." The old man said lightly.

Several people were silent.

"Xia Xia's body?" Xia Jianming asked a question that seemed to be forgotten by everyone.

"Normal can't be normal." The old man replied.

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