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Chapter 93: Kidnapping

Banxia blinked, a little sour, the after-effects of lack of sleep. But he couldn't sleep anymore, in his heart he whispered to himself. I don't know how long he slept this time, if it weren't for the sixteenth forced him to rest, he would still be in the lab waiting for the results.

Moved his body hard, I don't know if it was because this rest made all the tiredness accumulated in his body burst out at once, he only felt that his body was sore, it seems that if he didn't pay attention to it a little more, he could only go off the line to rest.

But soon he discovered something strange, because no matter how tired and sore his body was, how could his two hands not move?

The person was a little stunned, and for a long time he found out that something seemed to be wrong, he was kidnapped again? The environment is not right, and its appearance seems to be even more wrong, because the hands and feet are tied strongly, and the soreness of the body is not known whether it is because of tiredness or because of being tied.

"Are you awake?" The slightly smiling voice was a little familiar: "It's really a waste of my good incense."

He remembered that the effect of the incense was only six hours, but the result of this sleep in the middle of the summer was two days and two nights, and he was almost frightened, after all, he never wanted to take the life of this teenager, and then the doctor saw it and said that he was too tired to fall asleep, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Mika? Or was it really kidnapped, and the guards of the apocalyptic city have been lax to this point? Banxia had just woken up, and his head was still a little confused, so his eyes were a little dumbfounded when he looked at the man. However, this person gave him a very familiar feeling, and the voice just now, he should know this person in front of him. For some reason, maybe it was that smile that made him not feel dangerous.

"Why, don't you know?" The person who came had a ridiculing smile on his handsome face, if it weren't for the fact that his hands and feet were tied, Banxia still thought the two were friends?

"You're ——。" The name on his lips can't be remembered.

"It hasn't been long since we separated, so I don't remember? Xia Xia, it hurts my heart too much, we fought side by side for a long time. He said sadly.

"Bearded." Banxia exclaimed.

The smile on Zuo Zongxuan's face deepened: "It's good, you haven't forgotten me yet." Banxia

was really shocked at this moment, and he couldn't forget it for a while, but this person was not too much, no wonder he didn't recognize it in the first place. It turned out that the bearded man with only two eyes showed his rough and sloppy appearance, and he looked like a middle-aged uncle. And now this handsome young man can recognize it, and Banxia actually admires himself.

"But what do you mean by that?" Banxia looked at the tied hands and feet and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course it was kidnapping, and this still needs to be asked." He said with a smile: "I was afraid that you would wake up halfway, so I also burned some incense, but I didn't want to waste my medicine." How to describe you, young master, the nerves are too thick or do not put us in the eyes at all. Half

summer and half a sound were speechless, and he really didn't know the slightest thing halfway: "I haven't rested for several days, and people are very tired." "Is this explaining the reason for your deep sleep?

"I'm so uncomfortable right now that I wonder if I can let go of my hands and feet? Don't worry, I won't run, tell me what you want. Banxia glanced at him and sighed.

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