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Chapter 58: The Last City

This time, the half-summer did not make the ginseng doll wait too long, and it was only a day after the game that he went online. The ginseng doll, who was looking for a way to the apocalyptic city with Duoduo, immediately ran back with him.

But the two were shocked after seeing Banxia, but in one day, how could this person be emaciated like this?

"Xia Xia, what's wrong with you?" The ginseng doll asked in amazement, but it was followed by a heart full of guilt, he thought that it was his prank with Duoduo last time that scared Banxia like this: "Was it scared last time?" I'm really sorry, that was me and Duoduo playing a joke on you. Banxia

was a little stunned, and the ginseng doll was a little headless and brainless when he was in a hurry, and he naturally listened a little confused. Fortunately, he calmed the ginseng doll who was extremely depressed, and only then did he explain to Banxia what scared him in the fog last time the two partnered. In fact, he didn't feel at all that Banxia was frightened to become like this, there must be something major happening that they didn't know, but what would it be? Remembering Banxia's hurried offline line, Duoduo felt as if he had missed something.

"Don't worry." Banxia looked a little tired, and caressing the little head of the ginseng doll was a comfort: "It turned out that the two of you joked with me, and it really scared me out at that time." A smile appeared on his face, but it quickly disappeared, and his expression was still heavy, making others' moods not better.

"Speaking of last time, where did you go?" Duoduo finally asked the question that had been hidden for a few days: "I and the doll are by your side one after the other, if you stun us, we can naturally help you, why did you suddenly disappear?"

"Yes, I think you found out and joked with us again, although I knew that I couldn't contact us again, but not long after, you actually went back to the Miracle Forest first, and when the two of us rushed to the Miracle Forest, you went offline again, Xia Xia, did something happen?" The ginseng doll said very worriedly.

Banxia was silent, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer his question, but the bitter smile on his face seemed to have a tendency to deepen.

Duoduo felt that the bruises on his forehead jumped again, could he really find the treasure of Chulia Dam Vosimok? This man's luck is not ordinarily good.

"When will Sixteen go live?" Banxia changed the topic a little bluntly: "You contact him, I have something I want to ask him."

It's just that Banxia said this but made the ginseng doll sad: "Xia Xia, what do you have to ask him?" You don't ask me now, I've gone several steps and know a lot more than before. He said with some grievances.

Banxia glanced at him with a smile, patted his little head, and soothed his wounded heart, but the truth still couldn't be said: "It seems that it is useless to ask you about the matter of Yueying City?"


incomparably sincere smile suddenly healed the little heart of the ginseng doll, and finally showed a smile again: "For this matter, don't worry, Duoduo just worried that you can't rush back in time, they will soon send Yueying City into the game." Duoduo

sensitively felt that Banxia's words were not true or untrue, and he should be coaxing ginseng dolls, so he glanced at him very suspiciously. However, Banxia didn't want the ginseng doll to know that there must be its own reason, so he didn't expose his lie.

"How did you become so haggard? Is it a real physical illness? The ginseng doll said worriedly.

"Yes, that's why I want to ask them when they can enter the game, I may have to take a break to recover from illness, so the game may not be available for the time being." Banxia also looked very depressed.

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