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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Return to the Game

Before Banxia could stand firmly, he felt his back collar tighten, and he quickly looked back to see that it was no one else, it was the few people who made copies with him, and the person who grabbed his collar was none other than the sixteenth prince. It's just that at this time, his face is extremely bad, and his eyes looking at Banxia are also cold and terrifying. Looking at the scenery in front of you, it was snowy, and since it was a snowy plateau, it seemed that it had been kicked out of the copy.

"That's your guarantee?" The sixteenth prince said lightly, and the anger in his tone could be heard by everyone.

"I have something in reality and have to go offline, I'm gone, can't you guys continue the mission?" Banxia took away the hand that was grabbing his collar with his hand, which seemed to be extremely angry, which is why he made such a disrespectful move.

"With a few of us, we don't have to wait until now." The eighteenth prince sighed and looked at his brother, as if silently persuading him not to be so angry with Banxia.

And in fact, the sixteenth prince did not know that he had such a big anger from there, which can be said to be the first time since he grew up so old that he found that he would have such a big emotional fluctuation for another person, this feeling was very strange, and it also made him full of doubts, but all this could not hide his disappointment and anger at Banxia, because he promised before he left that he would come back on time, but he did not keep his promise.

"It's a shame." The other three were also extremely reluctant. But Banxia said that there was something in reality, and they naturally couldn't let him ignore things in reality and completely treat the game as everything, so he could only smile bitterly and secretly said that he was unlucky in his heart, and he was likely to pass the level this time.

"How did it take so long to get on?" Hearing the explanation that there was something in reality, Sixteen Gongzi's expression seemed to ease a lot.

"yes, we've been waiting for you here for a long time." My lover didn't love me, and I was seriously dissatisfied: "It's good if you tell us in advance."

Banxia smiled bitterly, glanced at a few people, and said with some hesitation: "Do you want another time?" "No matter how much you say, it's just a waste of tongue, he doesn't have so many reasons to tell a few people, and he's not a big liar."

"Gone." Sixteen Gongzi said lightly.

"Where to?" Banxia couldn't help but ask.

Sixteen Gongzi glanced at him: "What happened in the game?" Banxia

sighed secretly in his heart, it seemed that this person still did not believe in himself.

"I'm a little freaked out." Banxia suddenly stopped mentioning those who didn't, but directly said such a sentence, which made several people stunned to varying degrees.

"Frightened?" The sixteenth prince was also slightly stunned: "What happened?"

"You guys are so passionate about me." Banxia said lightly: "I'm actually a little unaccustomed to mentally, there is no lunch in vain, no stranger will be good to others for no reason, so you can clearly say what you want to get from me, of course I want to hear the truth." Banxia's

blunt words surprised several people, looking at Banxia was like looking at a stranger, they didn't seem to do anything, how could this person suddenly become so unfriendly.

"You guys go back first." The sixteenth prince said lightly, "I think we need to talk properly." This last sentence was naturally addressed to Banxia.

Banxia also acquiesced, and the eighteenth prince and the others had to glance at each other, although they were a little unwilling, they still turned around and entered the teleportation array.

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