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Chapter 92: An Astonishing Discovery

"New mission story?" Sixteen was dumbfounded.

For Sixteen, before playing The End of the World, he was actually unfamiliar with various games. His origin determines that he cannot become the kind of kid who aims at eating, drinking, playing and playing a life, so for all kinds of products under scientific and technological civilization, for more than twenty years, although he knows a little, he can only be said to be slightly familiar with fur, even if these furs are almost all after knowing eighteen, eighteen compulsory instillation to him. Although this game cannot be said to be the first realistic game he came into contact with, it is indeed the first game that he has put effort into playing.

Although the game is now inextricably linked to reality, the game elements still account for a large proportion. Sixteen of these situations are known, but knowing is one thing, understanding is another. This repeated game change made him a little impatient, but he didn't expect that Banxia gave him another sentence to open a new plot, which was suddenly like swallowing a duck egg, but he was helpless. If the game was still controlled by the league as before, he might still be able to make demands, but now that the game is out of control, he can only accept it no matter how dissatisfied he is. The irrational situation that abounds in this is really speechless to the extreme.

In fact, the reason why Sixteen has such an untuned idea is actually because there is no need to borrow the game to contact Banxia now, if there is no jade ring like before, or there is no definite answer to the jade ring thing, he will definitely not think so, and now he can only say that he crossed the river to tear down bridges, unload grinding and kill donkeys.

"What's new?" He asked, but he was a little impatient in his heart.

Banxia glanced at him, a little puzzled, felt that he seemed to have changed a little, but he really couldn't see anything from his face, so he had to put the doubts in his heart back again: "Although the end times have broken out, after all, mankind has not yet perished, so the focus now is not only to save the world but to save the survival crisis of our human race." Sixteen

frowned: "This seems to be completely aimed at the apocalyptic virus."

"If that's the case, then your conjecture is correct, this is definitely Chulia Damel Wosimok can't get rid of, maybe it's the dark chess he left behind." Banxia sighed lightly: "But fortunately, if there is really a chance to break the apocalyptic virus, maybe it can really rewrite history." Finally, he seemed to be jokingly saying.

Sixteen chuckled and patted him on the shoulder: "Do you think history is really so easy to rewrite?" Banxia

has the intention of rewriting history, which is why he is so obsessed with the apocalyptic virus, which sounds ridiculous, but it is also a way to do it. He thought that if he could develop a vaccine for the apocalyptic virus now and save him from the apocalypse he was about to face, would the future sixteen them also change?

"The worst-case scenario is just your outcome today, so there's no need to worry too much." Banxia said very calmly.

Sixteen shook his head: "You take things too simply. I remember you saying that the virus you found in reality was completely different from the post-apocalyptic virus you see in the game now.


listening to Sixteen's words, Banxia's heart sank, which was exactly what he was most worried about.

This time out, the information of the doomsday virus placed in the jade ring was brought out, and the unknown epidemic in reality also has a trend of further expansion, and now the old man has officially joined it. But after looking at the information brought out by Banxia, although no further research was done, it was clear at a glance that the two did not have anything in common. If you only look at the appearance, in fact, you don't need to look at the old man, Banxia also knows this result, all he wants now is to see if there is another essence hidden under the appearance, but this is not something that can be studied overnight, so he can only press the anxiety in his heart.

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