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Chapter Eighty-Six: Love Tribulation

Sixteen did not continue to stimulate further, in fact, he also knew Eighteen's temperament very well. Without exaggeration or personal feelings, only to tell the facts, Eighteen is not the kind of ruthless person, but he is by no means the kind of kind-hearted Lord, he has a trace of goodness in his heart, but that trace of goodness is stingy, and it will only be given to those few people he agrees with. For strange people who have nothing to do with it, it is definitely a ruthless master. So for the sake of his subordinates, let him sacrifice more ordinary people, his brows will not wrinkle. When the two were together, outsiders said that they were cold people, but in fact, the real heartless person was definitely eighteen, and eighteen had always been hiding his true nature with a smiling face.

In fact, this can also make sense, the two of them are now one of the top talents of the young generation of the Mo family, he is just that, he is not a real son of the Mo family, but also a kind of rebirth, so it is natural to become a human being, but sixteen is different. Like himself, he used to be a test tube baby who failed the experiment, but with such an identity, he broke out of today's situation in the Mo family, in fact, he is much stronger than himself.

In today's Galactic Alliance, most of the people at the top of the food chain are still born by the oldest inheritance method Yin and Yang harmonization, such people have much more perfect genes, and their cultivation is more effective with half the effort, which is many times higher than the IVF born by artificial breeding.

Although I know the defects of IVF, I have to do it for the sake of human inheritance, because it is too difficult for women to give birth today, which may also be the inherent number of human beings, human life expectancy can be extended, but there are problems with reproduction. If it weren't for the development of IVF technology, humans would have such a large population there by now.

Just not to mention the gap between IVF and human babies, it is impossible to be 100% successful in itself. The two of them are the two who were labeled as failures at the lowest births, and you can imagine what the treatment they will receive. Fortunately, the Mo family is not the real blood family, and these failed products obtained by test tubes will not be dealt with as long as there is life. That's why the two of them existed. It's just that no one expected that more than twenty years later, two golden phoenixes would fly out from among the worst experimental products.

Because this body is too wasteful, in the first twenty years of his life, Sixteen has been quietly transforming this body, and then slowly recovering his strength, which is the foundation of his survival, not to mention that with the news he has received in these twenty years, the elimination rate of survival in the world he is in today is even more stringent. He shouldn't be here, Master clearly said that he would send him to the earth before the first apocalypse, but he didn't know that there was an error there, but even if he came to peace, he could only stay here until he thought of a way to go back, so he must have the ability to protect himself, and he couldn't make any changes before this.

Twenty years later, he finally returned to the level of two-tenths of his heyday, which is also a first-class level in the current Galactic Alliance, and at this time, he met eighteen. Xu is that the two really have a little fate, the two were actually born in the same hospital, and the time of birth was only more than ten minutes apart. But in these ten minutes, there was one more Mo family's real concubine child, Mo Seventeen Mo Ziyan.

In the Mo family, only real concubine children have the right to use names, and the rest are only a digital code. Moreover, he had his own name, which was given by the master, so he did not pay attention to it.

At that time, eighteen had already entered the military, sixteen did not know what he had encountered in the previous twenty years, he was not simple when he saw him, with his origin in the Mo family to break such a path, if there is no story behind it is impossible. Sixteen was curious and wanted to probe deeper, but he didn't know that there was Eighteen there, and he had been taken up by Eighteen before he could face Chulia Damel Vosimok. Perhaps it was really because of this chance that Sixteen accepted him in the end, and later gave him a hint of guidance for his practice, and Eighteen did not disappoint him.

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