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Chapter Forty-Seven: The Moonlight Falls

Banxia was a little puzzled, how suddenly so many rumors came out. I just don't know if this hidden task is the same as the salvation mission, not anyone can take it. In fact, others can take it, but the task items are fixed, so the snatch cannot be avoided.

Whether what the blond boy said was true or false, Banxia still put it in his heart. However, the existence of vaccines may be panic, and the people who are known as Chulia Damel Vosimok in their mouths should not be people who hold vaccines and do not take them to save the world. But even so, based on the original genetic makeup and blood she left behind, he had to see it anyway. This is also something that everyone wants to compete for, and compared to this, the wealth left by Chulia Damor Vosimok is much bleaker.

Thinking of this, Banxia thought that he should go to the Snow Land Maze and ask those subordinates who were once Chulia Damer Vosimok if they would know some hidden secrets that no one else knew. Chulia Damor Wosimok can leave two points of his blood in advance, the biggest reason is that once he encounters an accident, the apocalyptic virus will be more difficult to solve, so for these subordinates of hers, maybe there will be arrangements in advance.

Thinking of this, Banxia immediately settled the account, wanted to find a place where there was no one, and then took the task to teleport. Last time, I willfully chose to force the downline, and I was very indebted to those who took care of themselves, and this time I just happened to go to Daoqian. But I didn't expect to come out of the tea house but ran into trouble again.

This time, I found a few beautiful people with beautiful colors, and it was not like the blonde boy who refused to even tell his name before, people brazenly came to the door and reported themselves at the beginning. It's a pity that Banxia is really useless, he doesn't know anything about this game, and he is not interested in these celebrities whether it is in the game or in reality, so it is really not a good choice to press Banxia with a name.

And Banxia looked at these beautiful but not very good girls, laughing bitterly in his heart and laughing at himself, how can he be no matter where he is, he just has no womanhood, although he is a GAY, but this still makes him a little deeply shocked, he doesn't know how he offended them? He seemed to have forgotten that his rejection of the Sixteenth Prince caused public anger.

"I'm a moonlit lady in the moonlight city, half a summer, let's find a place to talk?" Straight to the point and with a very cold expression, it doesn't look like asking for someone at all.

Such a beautiful person in the city invited, although his expression was not good, but it was still difficult to say if he refused. What's more, looking at the few girls behind him who are eyeing him, I'm afraid he can't leave if he wants to. Whether he came to rebel or to fight for the sixteenth prince, Banxia wondered nonsensically. Helpless, he turned around and followed them back to the tea house.

In fact, he really wanted to say something to liven up the atmosphere, but as soon as Banxia came into contact with their cold eyes, the words were choked back, and then he sighed and quieted down, let's listen to what they say.

"I heard that you took on the mission to find the treasure of Churia Damor Vosimok?" Yue Jiaren asked with a faint expression.

Banxia sighed: "Yes, what's the problem?"

"How about we work together?" Yue Jiaren looked at him quietly.

"Cooperation?" Banxia wondered.

"I know that you are now in the fourth ring to start looking for eight mission items with clues to the treasure, and we have two mission items in our hands, so it is better for us to cooperate."

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