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Chapter 33: Old Lady Qian's Shroud

Banxia still feels quite fresh for a person to be able to wander around in the game, just like a child who has lifted the ban, without the control of parents, everything is fresh. Since entering this game, he was really young when he was alone, and this time he came here, and the ginseng doll did not follow. Now he has completely abandoned himself and has become that little follower, in fact, Banxia's psychology is still a little sour, but thinking that there is always a day of difference, so now the two learn to get used to separation, it is really the best result, Banxia thinks about whether the ginseng doll is sure of his true identity, so he will give up himself so decisively.

From the sixteenth prince, they learned a lot about companion intelligence, and they also learned more about the establishment of a symbiotic model between him and ginseng dolls. Banxia didn't know if he could share an endless lifespan from ginseng dolls, anyway, he didn't want to be an old immortal person, but he knew that he could never forget that there was such a magical and cute little intelligent life as a ginseng doll in his life.

In fact, the sixteenth prince was also extremely shocked after hearing the process of establishing his symbiosis model with ginseng dolls. Originally, the probability of ordinary people being recognized by intelligent lifeforms and establishing a symbiotic mode was very low, and the probability of successfully establishing a symbiotic mode was very low, like Banxia and ginseng dolls to successfully establish a symbiotic mode, that is, among the top cultivators in the Galactic Alliance, it was several degrees uncommon, so the sixteenth prince would be so shocked. But because of this, the suspicion in his heart for Banxia deepened a little, is this person really just an ordinary person who understands medical skills?

Therefore, when Banxia wanted to do the task alone, the sixteenth prince did not want to let him go. Now Banxia can be comparable to the national treasure-level animal giant panda in the eyes of the sixteenth prince, how can he let him out alone. Not to mention the question of whether he himself will run away, what if he encounters other people who want to kidnap him?

It's just that Banxia's temperament makes them a little helpless, plus he also has a directional small teleportation array on him, so it is impossible to him off again, thinking that when they put down this copy, they are actually cleared secretly, and there should be no other players in this game, so this is what he answered.

Although the mission items are all very strange things, they are not dropped items that need to be fought monsters to get, so Banxia is not afraid at all, thinking that it should not be rare.

Therefore, according to the prompt of the task content, he first went to find a beggar located under the roots of the eastern castle of Chiba City, and exchanged ten gold coins for the broken bowl used for rice in front of him, see, it was as simple as that, this rice bowl used to ask for rice was his first task item. But of course, he would not leave just like that, but squatted there for a long time, idling with this beggar without saying anything.

It seems that the beggar is not an ordinary person, watching Banxia not even care about his identity and gossiping with him, it really affects his business, so he has to surrender helplessly. And Banxia also accepted it when he saw it, and really asked a few questions about the theft of the city lord's mansion. Unexpectedly, this beggar really knew a lot of insider information, and when he watched Banxia take out ten gold coins, he grinned happily, and told Banxia everything he knew.

Banxia was satisfied and thanked and prepared to leave, but it didn't hurt that the beggar muttered to himself, although the voice was very low, but it was still heard by Banxia, and I don't know if he meant it or not, but this news made Banxia's heart fiercely shocked. However, he did not look back and ask again, this consciousness is still there, whether this beggar is intentional or unintentional, even if he acts so low-key, then there must be a reason, and he does not want to cause unnecessary trouble for it.

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