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Chapter 71: The Jade Rings

Banxia looked at the figure of Sixteen who was gone, and felt aggrieved in his heart and felt like crying, how did it all become his own in the end, he was a little unable to keep up with the speed of Sixteen's rebuttal, was the person who was a little heinous in his mouth him? After thinking about it, it seems to be.

Sixteen is right, he has been hanging Langdang not to give this relationship an affirmation, because from the beginning he felt that this relationship between the two was impossible, so he has been playing in front of children. It's just that he has indeed been demanding of Sixteen's feelings, and seems to be enjoying his efforts as a matter of course, but he is stingy with him as a 'friend' who can pass the time with a blank period. Can you have a spiritual love friend? He thought with a wry smile.

And in fact, it's not that he doesn't love, it's not that he really has any dissatisfaction with this person, he just feels that all this is too weird, from the moment he entered the game, his world began to subvert, people, things, there is no one or a normal, maybe he has not adapted to it until now.

He accepts the fact that the end will happen, accepts the fact that everything in the game will become real in two thousand years, but it is really difficult for him to accept that he has become a thousand-year-old monster, and the reason is because of the symbiosis model he established with ginseng dolls, isn't it child's play?

It's just that everything seems to be developing towards that unlikely trend now, not to mention that what he left behind when he met that future self in the secret room, that is, his spiritual ability that came out of thin air (which is indeed a kind of power for Banxia), all of them deepened this affirmation, so the legend really became a reality?

Thinking about the dagger boss he met in reality, he didn't want to believe it but couldn't help but doubt his true identity, if it was really as he guessed, he was the legendary cultivator, doesn't this all indicate that the world is not as simple as he imagined?

In fact, he can't contact this kind of thing for the first time, I remember that the old man once mentioned it to him lightly a long time ago, but he never encountered it, so he has always listened to it as a myth, and now he has encountered it, and more strange things have also been encountered, so this strange world should no longer be recognized with common sense. Therefore, he can reconsider the feasibility of his relationship with Sixteen, he can reconsider the words that Sixteen has said to himself, but those words that have been blown by the wind in his ears when he hears them, can he still remember?

If the end of the world really came, so the glamorous rays came out one by one, and in the middle of the summer seemed to look away, people were much more relaxed, originally he only had to adapt to the big trend, want to change the development of the entire history, he felt that he was not great to that extent.

Taking a deep breath, he gave up those messy thoughts with a headache, and looked down at the jade ring in the palm of his hand.

Knowing that you can't bring anything out of the game, what do you do with such a jade ring? Banxia couldn't help but pout. However, thinking of Sixteen's words that he didn't take him seriously, his heart moved slightly. Sixteen knows that what he has in the game can't bring reality, so there's no reason to give himself a ring for no reason. If you just want to show your feelings or something, this expression is actually quite shocking for the two big men, and it seems that it is not something he can do, so this jade ring should not be so simple.

Banxia's heart suddenly jumped, Sixteen also said that he had given himself a lot of tips, what tips? He didn't pay attention to it, naturally he wouldn't remember it, and he hadn't even felt the slightest thing, but now those beaded clues suddenly came to mind.

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