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Chapter 91: Luck

Isn't Banxia angry? That's called weird. But he is not the kind of unreasonable person, no matter how much anger he has in his heart, he can't shoot towards Sixteen for no reason, not to mention the yin and yang noise and killing just now, which made the anger in his heart almost the same.

Therefore, when he heard Sixteen's so blunt request, he rolled his eyes and ignored it directly, but the lack of anger did not mean that he had to pay attention to him, not to mention that until now, he had no hope for this relationship between himself and Sixteen, which made him more or less lost in his heart. What's more, his current appearance, although it makes people feel like vomiting at first sight, of course, including himself. It's just that it's such a disgusting look that I want to vomit, but it gave Banxia a very genius idea.

"I know you're not used to it, but no way, I'm experimenting with this skin right now." If possible, you can arrange for a few people to play this zombie player game and come over to me as an experimental subject. No matter how entangled it is, once it comes to business, Banxia immediately calms down.

Sixteen was stunned, thinking of the series of experiments in the middle of the summer just now, his heart moved: "Have you found it?"

"An absolutely heaven-defying discovery." Banxia's tone was more excited, and he seemed to be very confident in his discovery: "I found that this game is very perverted to simulate all the real data of human beings turning into zombies, which means that if I really become a zombie in reality one day, then the current appearance is definitely the most realistic portrayal."

"And this kind of thing?" Sixteen was also a little stunned, but he didn't have more surprises, but he suddenly thought in his heart that the game was out of control, so who set these settings, and the data will be so complete?

"So don't worry about the subject." Banxia shrugged.

"You think of yourself as an experimental subject?" Sixteen's face suddenly became a little ugly, even though this body is fake now, but the spiritual power is real, the doomsday virus can even devour the spiritual power.

"Don't worry, I won't joke with my life without being 100% sure, and you'll understand what I'm saying when you feel it yourself, I really admire the designer of your game." Banxia didn't care.

"Zombies can't speak, because it's a player-only function?" Sixteen sighed, it seemed that he also had to go and play.

"You're wrong." Banxia finally finished entering the last data in his hand, today's work is over, he stretched, got up and sat down, even zombies will be tired.

"It's all the result of my experiment." He chuckled: "When the player first dresses as a zombie, although the flexibility may be a little greater, the other ones really have no advantage over ordinary zombies." My current appearance is the result of combining the apocalyptic virus with zombies, and although there is only one successful case for me so far, I still come to the conclusion that the apocalyptic virus can promote the evolution of zombies.

"You caught those zombies for experiments?" Sixteen was completely defeated by Banxia.

"The game was empty, there wasn't even an NPC left, but then there were more zombies, and I had to use them as experiments." Banxia chuckled.

Sixteen looked at him, and the sense of alienation welled up in his heart again, and he could only say in a pale manner: "I'm sorry." Banxia

shook his head: "What happened, why does the game seem to be completely shut down?" Sixteen

thought about it, so he didn't hide everything that happened during this time to him, but after listening to it in the middle of the summer, he just sighed softly, these should have been able to think of.

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