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Chapter 110: Here You Come (Final Chapter)

Sixteen personally watched Banxia disappear into the fountain that suddenly appeared, and it was naturally difficult to be surprised, and when he was thinking about whether he was in danger, Banxia sent back a message through the jade ring, saying that he was fine, but there was another adventure, let him take the dragon gate and they went to hunt for treasure, don't care about him, as for what kind of adventure it was when they met back.

Sixteen did not bother much, even if the treasure of Chulia Damor Vosimok was actually related to the Truth Cultivator, the situation encountered in that half summer was normal, and he was only happy for him. But in Sixteen's mind, the woman Chulia Damel Vosimok reappeared.

She is definitely not a true cultivator, this sixteen is still certain, although the two of them only have a two-sided relationship, and the number of encounters is only once. It is undeniable that Qiuliadan Wosimok's martial arts cultivation is indeed very high, and she is a high-level powerhouse of the fire system, and she also took a lot of effort when she first captured her, but the difference between ordinary people and cultivators can be known by Sixteen as soon as they fight.

So how can this situation be explained now? Zuo Zongxuan said that he had personally helped him transport things in, and at that time, the so-called treasure of Qiulia Damor Vosimok was just a treasure cave of ordinary people, although he also said that Qiulia Dam Wosimok changed later, but it is a little impossible to hide such a big secret, after all, Zuo Zongxuan is also a right-handed figure next to Qiulia Dal Wosimok.

Looking at the scenery in front of him again, Sixteen didn't want to be shocked. As soon as he stepped here, he felt that the spiritual power of heaven and earth that had been lost for a long time made him think of his birthplace. His real birthplace is not an ordinary place, even in the Immortal God Realm, it is also famous, of course, one of the reasons why he is so famous is the intensity of spiritual power.

But now as soon as he stood here, the thick spiritual power of heaven and earth came to the sky, and before he began to run anything, the spiritual power in his body was about to move, and there was a pulse with the outside world.

In fact, there is also this kind of spiritual power on the planets included in the Galactic Alliance, like the mother planet of the earth, which should have been a holy place for cultivators a long time ago, but as the years go by, the sea has changed, and the planet has changed several times, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth has long become thin, which is also a big reason why his cultivation progress is slow.

And he came to play this "End of the World" game like a child, in fact, he discovered Hull's more abundant heaven and earth spiritual power, although it is not necessarily strong, but it is much better than the outside world, but he never thought that the treasure of Chulia Damel Vosimok would be a paradise for truth cultivators. It didn't take too long, he spent three to four years in retreat here, and his cultivation could definitely reach the level of his previous life.

Only now he is suspicious of both here and Chulia Dam Wosimok and Hel. When I think of that labyrinth, I naturally think of the Heavenly Sutra, and then Banxia, and now it seems that Banxia and Chulia Damel Vosimok have no relationship at all like he said, but they have a lot of relationship. But Banxia didn't look like lying, if what he said to himself was a lie, then now the two of them couldn't communicate through consciousness so smoothly using the jade ring as a medium.

He had hidden this matter from Banxia, who had mentioned to Banxia that the situation between the two was somewhat similar to the symbiotic contract they had established with intelligent lifeforms, and did not lie. This is actually a unilateral compulsory contract, at the cost of his essence blood, the establishment of a kind of spiritual contract that can only be established between Daoists, although the establishment of this kind of contract is troublesome, but the most demanding condition is the issue of trust and honesty between the two. Sixteen originally only wanted to give it a try, but he didn't want to really try it successfully, so Sixteen really wouldn't doubt Banxia's words.

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