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Chapter 54: Random Teleportation

Facing the two people who were off topic while talking, Duoduo was very calm. The conversation between the two did not avoid him, but Duoduo was still confused, but in the end, although he still did not get any inside information, he also knew that Banxia did not agree to eighteen They still had hidden secrets when they met in reality.

"What do you want to do next?" The ginseng doll asked with some hesitation.

Banxia was still shocked by the fact that he would live forever, so his expression was a little stunned, and he didn't hear what the ginseng doll asked again.

"But it's not good." The ginseng doll thought about it but came to a different conclusion: "You can't get the things in the game, so when it comes to our things, I don't know where it will go?" The

words of the ginseng doll woke up for half a summer, yes, this dream should be done later. But fortunately, he didn't have much interest in immortality, and immediately regained his senses, and the ginseng doll asked what he just said again.

Immortal is not wanted, but the doomsday virus is of interest to him, and knowing more about the doomsday information is even more important for his current self, so even if he thinks about it, he will not choose to leave the game at this time, and he is not weak enough to ignore his responsibility as soon as he is wronged.

"I'm interested in the Chulia Dan Wosimok treasure, and I must see her blood sample." Banxia said calmly: "If it is so troublesome, then I better go to the Fire Rhino Holy Land in the Snowy Plateau to see, now only there are variants of the apocalyptic virus for me to study." Duoduo

was stunned after listening to Banxia's words: "If you don't go to see that BOSS lady specifically, just want to study the apocalypse virus, just go to the guild." Banxia

was silent for a while, a little headache, glanced at Duoduo, and hesitated: "Eighteen's temper was too big just now, I didn't wait for him to finish speaking, if you can contact Sixteen, please help me tell him, if possible, let Yueying City enter the game again." I am not 100% sure that my two children will be born safely, and of course I will not be able to solve the apocalyptic virus they are infected with for a while.

"Another very important thing for me to convey is that the baby must not be led out of the mother's body, and now the baby and the mother have reached a very harmonious state." The baby is infected with the end-time virus, but the mother is not, and if labor is induced, it will break this harmony and infect the mother. Their current state is just like the original Fire Rhino BOSS Lady and the baby in the womb, but unfortunately I haven't found a place to test the bloody clothes cut last time. The

bloody coat that Banxia was referring to was the blood cocoon that wrapped the little baby of the fire rhinoceros, and he had taken it away a little, and he also wanted to test it, but he forgot about it because of too many things, so that he remembered it now.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Duoduo also knows that there are priorities, even if Banxia has eliminated the idea of everyone meeting in reality, then if you want him to help, you can only enter the game, not to mention that he is 80% sure.

"Let's go." Banxia said to the ginseng doll.

"I hope there is a good place to go." The ginseng doll chanted.

It was rumored that it had not reached a good place, and Banxia did not know, but now it is true that this place has not been visited once. He couldn't have been here, because they had been passed into the cave? Looking at the blackened surroundings, Banxia is tearless.

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