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Chapter 113: Fanwai 3 Trajectory

Banxia's confession made Sixteen stunned for a moment, although he said a little vaguely, it did not prevent Sixteen from understanding the deep meaning of his words, and his heart seemed to have figured out a lot of things that were previously incomprehensible. For a moment, he couldn't help but reflect on himself, even he felt that he seemed to have degenerated a lot recently, and when did his vigilance in the past become weaker and weaker, so that now he seemed to have forgotten his grudge with the Mo family or the Galactic Alliance government, and he would not think that there would really be a day of peaceful coexistence with him.

In fact, their relationship deteriorated even more when Fallen Heaven and the others managed to enter the treasure of Chulia Damor Vosimok. The recent sixteen series of radical measures had shown that the relationship between them had reached an irreconcilable state, and he did not forget that most of the doctors around Yueying City served the alliance government and the Mo family. Although the two parties were very interested in their blood inheritors, and he had agreed to some conditions back then, it was because their relationship was still good, and he obeyed their arrangements in a state of idleness and solved some things for them.

Of course, now they are still interested in their bloodline inheritors, but their current self does not seem to be the 'obedient' Mo Sixteen in the past, so they make some small moves to prevent themselves, which is not unexpected at all. Therefore, there is a gap in the words of half summer, which makes Sixteen's heart sink. In a short period of time, he can only strengthen his guard, but good doctors are not so easy to find, so now he can only put all his hopes on Banxia.

He did not expect that this was the main reason for the tragedy. There is as much hope as much disappointment, and Sixteen, who originally had no hope for the child, also raised great expectations in his heart when Yueying City's health was getting better and better. Coupled with his confidence in Banxia's medical skills, Sixteen also seemed to see two small buns waving to him, so he didn't notice Banxia's increasingly dim gaze.

When Banxia slashed the first sword for Yueying City, he felt astringent, but he still felt very relaxed. Because although the situation in Yueying City has deteriorated a lot, it is still within his control, and that bit of astringency is just a little vinegar from the bottom of his heart. Coupled with the confession with Sixteen, the doctors around Yueying City changed a lot, and the heart he had been carrying was also put a lot, at least he didn't have to worry about villains in the middle of the operation.

But will things really go as well as he thinks?

For a long time after that, in the deep night, half summer would be alone in front of the window in a daze, at this time in fact, his vision had long been empty, and his mind repeatedly thought about it was just the same question, can people really win the sky? For this moment, how much that person did, although he has been ignoring it in his mouth, but he still cares very much in his heart, or he will not confess to Sixteen in order to change the trajectory of history.

It's just that no one expected that the trajectory of fate did not turn a corner and develop in a new direction for the good as they set, but after turning N corners, they finally returned to their original position and wrote the same ending.

As he thought, the two fetuses in the belly of Yueying City were also wrapped in fetal clothing, although not as magical as the little rhinoceros boss, but it was surprising enough.

Under the thin fetal coat, there was a fetus faintly jumping, and the state of the moon fell into good condition, so the suturing of the injury was handed over to other doctors, and Banxia focused his attention completely on these two fetuses.

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