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Chapter 62: The Spiritually Awakened

"Sixteen said that your situation is very similar to the manifestation of the awakening of the supernatural energy, I didn't believe it at first, but now I can confirm it." The orangutan sighed.

"Abnormal awakening?" Banxia opened his mouth wide in amazement.

"It's not true, you should be caused by the abnormality of the fusion of various drugs instead of natural awakening, not to mention that what you awakened this time is not a special ability."

What medicinal foods really have side effects? There was some chills in the middle of summer. I thought it was just a game, so I didn't think about so many taboos, so I was a little unscrupulous. Of course, the food made of medicine is not what he dispenses indiscriminately, but the medicinal properties are a little bigger.

"Not a superpower?" Hearing this, Banxia was a little disappointed.

The orangutan seemed to feel what Banxia was thinking and smiled: "It's not a special ability, but it is definitely a heaven-defying level existence, and it is actually a mutated power."

"Huh?" Banxia is not calm, and his heart is slandered, Lord Orangutan, don't talk and pant for air, okay? Don't hang people's appetites either?

"I heard that you are not familiar with mundane affairs, but I don't know if you have an understanding of the cultivation system within the alliance."

Banxia was stunned, thinking that he had asked Sixteen and others this question before, but unfortunately his question was interrupted at that time, and then Sixteen may have forgotten to solve his own confusion, but he didn't expect that today the orangutan raised this question again.

"You know, there are martial cultivators, like sixteen, and supernatural beings, and Lord Orangutan is a spiritual cultivator. I can understand anything else, but I don't understand what is the difference between a supernatural and a spiritual cultivator? The

orangutan nodded with a smile: "You did ask the point, in fact, it is not complicated, the supernatural is a type of cultivator with the largest number of awakened people in the last days, belonging to the energy of the natural system, the more common is the power of the five elements or the various mutated forces derived from the five elements, and there are also some more special, such as the space system, the dark system, the light system, etc."

"Like the Western magic system." Banxia muttered.

The orangutan was slightly shocked, but perhaps he was prepared in his heart, so his eyes just flashed, and his reaction was not too big: "This word has been banned in the future, and this statement has been lost."

This time, it made Banxia frightened, he suddenly looked up at the orangutan, but the red eyes of the baby's fist were full of smiles, very kind, making Banxia very ashamed to lower his head.

"Adults know where I come from." Banxia asked with some uncertainty.

"It used to be just doubt, but now it's certain." The orangutan was a little stunned. Banxia thought that in the legend he was the only person who had lived since the end of the world, he could not be said to be a human, and generally speaking, it was life, which made his heart move.

"Have you really lived for more than two thousand years?" He couldn't help but ask.

The orangutan smiled: "That's right, I have indeed lived long enough, but as a wise creature, but it is only a matter of the last five or six hundred years, and I have been living in seclusion in the mountains and wilderness for a long time, which is the biggest reason why I can live so long." Banxia

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